Chapter 4 - The search

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***WARNING: this will contain cuss words so be careful with that.***

Tony's POV~

I wake up at 9:00 am and get ready grumpily. Today I have to give the schools these tests myself. I don't want an intern, so I just give them to high schools because I know none of them will pass. (Boy was he wrong) The last school on my list is Midtown Tech but on my way there some kid jumps over my car giving me a heart attack. I heard him yell "SORRY MR.SIR!". I chuckle to myself thinking man he must be really late for school. Anyways I give the tests and will pick them up by 2:00 pm.

I go back to the tower and head over to the lab to work on a project that I just can't get right, eventually it's 1:45, so I head over to the school to pick up the tests and head back yet again. When I'm back I give myself a break from that project and decide to look over the tests to have a laugh at how badly they failed. Then at the bottom of the pile was a test from someone named Peter Parker. He got a 100% when I was only able to get a 90% and I made the frickin test.

I have F.R.I.D.A.Y. pull up Peter Parker, and I was shocked to see how many people he's lost. I thought that maybe he would be a good intern, so I call down Pepper and tell her everything. At first, she is mad that I chose high school but then softens when she looks at Peter Parker's profile and agrees with how I think he would be a good intern. "Aww~ he looks like a puppy", said Pepper but who can blame her, look at the kid. "I know, just can you email his principal and tell him that I chose him as my intern?", say sounding quite needy. "Sure honey He'll start on Tuesday and come in every day except the weekends ok.", says my wife. I said ok then she left. I get back to work after looking into Peter's profile more.

After I continue to work I get called up for dinner then after dinner F.R.I.D.A.Y. says, "sir Peter is out on patrol" "Thanks fri", I say then look at Steve and Clint. They leave and return 3 hours later saying that they couldn't get the spider. I ask how, and they say it was like he could sense their attacks before they did anything and got them webbed up and just left. They also mentioned how he seemed injured when we got there but New York was calm. We decided to give him a little break and watch how he fights instead then we'll all go and fight him one day. We all call it a day and I get ready for my intern tomorrow. Then we head to bed and drift off to sleep while I think of that new intern kid and realize that he's the same kid who jumped over my car.

   (Sorry That it's really short guys, I just didn't know what to put for this chapter but the next one should be longer.)

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