Chapter 1 - Peter's POV

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***WARNING: Cussing, and abuse shown please read knowing that will be shown.***

OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD I was gonna be so late and probably get a beating from Lady Satan herself when I get back to the orphanage (that she sadly owns). Finally I made it back but I was 10 minutes late shit your toast. "WHY ARE YOU LATE YOU LITTLE SHIT!", yelled Ms.Saturn as she grabbed a beer bottle that looked like it was just finished. I winced at her volume but then said, "S-s-sorry m-ma'am the bus got h-h-held up in t-traffic" you don't even take the bus OH GOD what will she do "LIAR", she yelled as she threw a bottle at my head. I screamed in pain as she beat me over and over again until I was nearly unconscious and she got tired.

Thank Thor she left, I didn't know how much more you could take before you went unconscious, let me help you to your room, Petey (Yes, Vex has a heart. Vex is his brother/shadow/dark-side that can only be seen by Peter and can only physically touch Peter unless Peter says so). I limped my way upstairs with the help of Vex to see all the kids huddled at the top stairs with looks of fear and worry. "Petey are you owkay?", asked the youngest one Lucy who was only 2 yrs.old. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine n-nothing to w-worry about" I say as I wince from the pain in my side. One of the ten year olds, Steven says with a frown, "Peter we can obviously see you're in pain". Shit they're onto me better get them to bed before they say anything more. "Hey how about we head to bed and I'll read you guys a story, hmm?". Luckily everyone nodded and agreed as I took them to bed I could still see the worry in their eyes.

(Hey guys Alex here anyways I was just gonna say how there are only seven kids at the orphanage including Pete and I'm gonna says their names and ages: Lucy 2 yrs.old, Steven 10 yrs.old, Owen 8 yrs.old, Stacy 4 yrs.old, Lily 10 yrs.old,and Miles 5 yrs.old now on with the story)

After I put everyone to bed and read them a story I went to my room/closet. Anyways I checked myself out in the reflection on the little window inside. To say I was shocked was an understatement I had a black eye, a bruised lip, some glass in my head, and when I lifted my shirt I almost screamed to see that my entire body was almost completely covered in bruises and cuts. I bit my lip and winced when I touched one of them. Pete you can't go out like this. (Ok so we're gonna pretend that Stark didn't make Peter's suit or Karen we are gonna say he made it behind Doc Oct's back before he died) Much to Vex's displeasure I still changed into my spiderman outfit that I made behind Doc Oct's back and said hello to Karen. "Hello Peter are you sure you should go on patrol with the injuries you have?",she said with a hint of concern in her voice. See! Even Karen doesn't think you should go. New York should be safe for one night without Spider-Man. "You know I can't Vex just let me go",I say with some desperation in my voice. Fine just stay safe please. "I will", I say trying to sound believable.

Once I left the orphanage I stopped 3 attempted rapes, 2 attempted suicides, 5 muggers, and 6 robberies. I was on my way home when my spidey-sense told me that I was being followed so I landed on a building and low and behold there was Iron-Man. I just stare for a second and then say, "Oh what do I owe the pleasure to meet THE Tiny Stank" someone snickers in his headset. Who else is listening to our convo. I don't know. (Ok so let me just say something, if peter is talking without using quotation marks that means that he is talking to Vex or thinking) Mr.Stank says, "ha-ha but S.H.I.E.L.D. wants you to join the Avengers and for you to give up your identity. You either do this the easy way or the hard way". Ok so knowing you, you're gonna choose the hard way right? Yep. "I'ma go the hard way thanks", I say. "Ok then I guess it's time to kick your ass", Mr.Stank says smugly. Please don't tell me you're gonna say it please don't. "Why are ya lookin at my ass ya creep, first of all that creepy and wrong, second of all YOU HAVE A FRICKIN WIFE!" Oh my just did that. I heard the other person on the headset break into a fit of laughter angering Mr.Stank so he shoots me but I move so that it doesn't hit my shoulder and hits my shoulder. Then we start fighting and I win webbing him up to the wall. I wave him a farewell and say, "till we meet again Tiny Stank and also that'll dissolve in 2 hours" he huffs in response.

I then head back to the orphanage after stopping crime at 2 am. Then I head to bed to sleep for 20 minutes to be woken up by a nightmare about how everyone's death was my fault. I could've stopped my parents from going on the plane, I could've stopped the bullet from hitting Uncle Ben, I could've done something to probably stop aunt May from dying of cancer, and I could've saved Gwen if I had been fast enough. These thoughts filled my head as I was having a panic attack with my brother comforting me. I decide to stay awake but stay in my brother's arms for warmth.

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