Chapter 7

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It was silent,Blitzwing was walking slowly,he checked the GPS,almost there.


'Almost there'turns out to be never.

Hes confused.

He made some turns alright,but he didn't go backwards or something...

He checked and made a blank look.

'I need to check it more..'turns out when he made a left turn the first time,he was supposed to take a right,hes five hours away now...

He turned right,oh Primus this is gonna take such a long time..

Looking down he smiled,atleast Prowl hasn't woken up,that would be a disaster waiting to be made.


Two hours lated Prowl woke up,Rush had taken control and had jumped out of Blitzwings servos before landing on a thin tree branch.

Two seconds later it broke and the bigger caught them.

"Be more careful on vhere jou jump"Rush tilted his helm before nodding.

After that Rush took Blitzwings advice and started jumping on the more secure branches.

His faceplate changed and Scavenge took control and growled,he fastly jumped,being suprisingly silent while doing so.

Blitzwing guesed Ninja said something to him,two times the angry personality almost slipped,after a bit hes faceplate changed,this time to Ninja.

His visor shining he jumped gracefully,humming while doing so.

'Rush jumps slowly,Scavenge jumps fast and silently and Ninja jumps with grace,hmm'checking again,he sighed,almost two hours left.

Rush jumped on his shoulders laughing,he stumbled but stayed.

'Provl iz gonna be ze death of me,untill ve are in Detroit..'

Rush then started singing'Numa Numa'yup,his faceplate changed to Random and he started to join in.

Gonna be the death of him...


One hour and Rush is singing a candy song or watever it was called.

By now his faceplate was on Icy,optic tired,he wonders how Scavenge and Ninja are doing,suffering with him maybe?he dosen't know...


Fifteen minutes left,Rush is singing'Life is Fun'

His faceplate on Hothead and trying with all his power trying not to yell at the other,he grit his denta,he hopes they get there before he explodes...


'Finally..vere here!'Blitzwing sighed happily,the clearing was filled with water,he walked over to the ocean and sat down,shivering at how cold it was.

Rush was swimming like no tommorow,giggling and talking to the others.

He smiled,he can rest finally...

He hears something,he turned his helm back to the swamp and his microscope zoomed in.

It zoomed out and he quickly got to his peds,jumping into the ocean more,screaming as frogs came out.

Scavenge took control and started laughing,holding his chestplate.

Blitzwing screamed as the frogs jumped on him,he started to go underwater,the frogs going with him.

His servo was the only thing that was still quickly came down when one final frog jumped on it.

Ninja took control and chuckled tiredly,the water is making him want to sleep.

'No kidding,i was almost fucking asleep when i was laughing!'Rush gapsed'Im not alone!'Scavenge grumbled.

Ninja got out of the water and plopped down on some dirt.

He got comfortable and sighed,visor flickering off he wondered if Blitzwing needed help with the forgs.

'Leave the fucker,hes fine'

'Hes our big brother,he can handle it!'

Guess he can,and he does feels like Blitzwing is his older brother...

'I fucking guess..still don't like it..'he sighed,you will never say you're glad huh?

'Don't even know what you're talking about..'Ninja fell asleep after that,last thing hearing is Rush giggling.

Meanwhile Blitzwing was finaly able to escape and blast the frogs with fire.

He giggled as they floated,glossa poking out he tapped one with it,yup it was dead alright,he looked around for Prowl.

Hes faceplate switched to Icy and he blinked,he walked over to the sleeping mech and pet his wings before walking over to a tree and leaned with his back on it.

He knows hes not sleeping tonight,the frogs will be coming for him again,he can feel it.

He sharply turns around and blast ice,coldly watching as the frogs froze to death.

'Only three...'his optic caught movement and saw a frog jumping away from him.

'Great,they were scouts..'

That night he killed alot...

Two triples in a swamp(Transformers Animated Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now