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I was in my bedroom daydreaming about Marthe when in a blink of an eye I was somewhere else. "What the heck just happened?" I say to myself with widened eyes. "What do you mean what happened?" My eyes widen even more if that's even possible. That voice..I recognise it..I mean I was just listening and day dreaming about the person who's voice that belonged to. With enough courage i finally decide to turn around but before I do she says "Babe are you ok?" My eyes widen again and I freeze. Thoughts like 'Is this a dream?!' And 'How?! What?! Huh?!" Was running through my head. When I finally turn around I almost get a heart attack to see her chest and stomach right in front of me. I slowly raise my head to look at her face. When I finally look at her my thought of it being Marthe was true and I was dumbfounded not believing it at all. Marthe just looks at me with an eyebrow raised. Marthe then lowered her head to go kiss me but I gently push her away. Yes I wanted nothing more but it felt wrong that I had no clue what was happening and I felt the need for her to know too before this happened. Marthe frowned at my response. Not wanting her to overthink about anything I quickly started my explanation. "Ok I know this is gonna sound really weird but hear me out." Marthe takes my hand and leads us both to the couch. When we were both on the couch Marthe turns to me and says "Ok tell me." I couldn't help but fangirl in my head at how sweet she is patiently waiting for me to speak. I mean I already knew she was the sweetest human being ever but now I really knew. "Ok so before minutes ago when I said 'What the heck just happened?' I was in my room at home.." I start and Marthe looks at me like I'm crazy. "Look I know I sound crazy but either this is a different dimension or a dream because none of this makes sense. Before this I was in my room at home daydreaming about you." Marthe smirks hearing I was thinking of her and as much as that made me blush I couldn't help but think oh wait she probably still doesn't fully understand what I'm trying to say. I sigh and say, " Look i don't know how this all happened but I'm my reality I'm a normal girl who lives in Singapore that is one of your many fans from tiktok, I have a fan account for you etc etc but I've never been to Amsterdam, I've never met your in real life before. I love you so much but I feel like you should understand what's actually happening first." Marthe looks at me still confused. I then continue, "Who am I suppose to be? I mean from what I can understand from those few minute was that I'm the girl your dating and I assume living with you but I'm not that same person." I explain and ask. When there was silence I said "Please say something..." Marthe stays quiet for a few more seconds then begins "Well I met you in Singapore. I knew you from your fan account on Instagram. I started to talk to you after a while of you being a fan of mine. One day I decided to take a plane to Singapore to finally meet you and well years later of us being together you moved in here with me in Amsterdam." I gasp upon hearing all of this. Now my mind was thinking 'Is this my future?' I then ask Marthe "Do you have a mirror?" Marthe then showed me to a mirror and I gasped when I saw myself. I put my hand up to touch the mirror in disbelief, it was me just a little older looking. A huge smile spread across my face both from excitement and relief knowing that it was actually me and I didn't just somehow switch lives with someone else.

Marthe Woertman ImaginesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα