Chapter 20

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Erin had called Michael again after her breakfast, and explained everything in more detail. He was still angry she didn't try to look for him more so she could tell him she was leaving. But, he was happy that they were talking again.

"Why did you shut me out like that Michael?" Erin asked.

"I just feel like everything I do, hurts the people I love."

"Michael, you and I both know that's not true."

"But I do know it's true Erin. Because everything that has happened and every one who is gone, it's all my fault."

"Michael, I know it's not your fault. But even if it was-,

"It is," he interrupted.

"Even IF it was, you wouldn't be doing yourself any good just blaming yourslelf. You can start fresh with me." Suddenly he changed the subject.

"Is it raining there?" he asked. She got up and pulled back the curtain. It was in fact, raining.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I could hear it pattering on your roof." Then it was quiet for a minute.

"It's raining here too." he exclaimed. After about two minutes of silence, he said,

"Go outside." Erin didn't ask why, she just went. When she stepped out on the porch, the rain was 10 times louder, and Michael could tell.

"I'm outside too. Now step into the rain and imagine I'm there with you." He said in the most gentile voice. So, Erin did as she was told. The rain was cold at first, but then felt warmer on her skin after a minute.

"Close your eyes." he commanded, softly. "Think of me standing right there in front of you. My hands pressed against your hips, yours wrapped around my neck." She tried hard to imagine he was there. She could almost feel his presence. After a long while of silence from Michael, and the pit pattering of the rain, he finally speaks up.

"Erin?" he asks in an almost whisper.


"You know I love you right?"

"Of course!"

"And you know I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally...?"


"Because if one of these days, something happens to you, no matter what it is I WILL blame my self. And I will never be able to forgive myself, because I'm in love with you."

"Nothing will happen Michael. I love you. Whatever happens here, you can't blame yourself. Nothing will happen. I promise."

Instead of saying anything he just let out a long sigh, singling that it was time for her to hang up. It was then that she realized she was soaking wet, and that she would probably have to take another shower.

She ran quickly inside, and up the stairs so her dad wouldn't see her. She ran straight into the bathroom and turned on the hot water. When she got in the water slowly slid down her back, loosening all of her mussels. She was so relieved that Michael was talking to her again. She hopped that he would call her everyday the rest of her time here in Texas. Because now that she was so far away from him, she realized how much she truly loved him. And how much it hurt not to be around him.

Note: Sorry for such short chapters guys. This story is almost over, just one or two more chapters to go! But don't worry there is a sequel that I am going to write and you will want to read it. It is going to get SO good. You will just have to read it your self. Love who ever is reading this and I hope you have a nice day/night. :-D

The misfits: A Michael Clifford fanficWhere stories live. Discover now