Chapter 5

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After Erin threw up her lunch, she was so embarrassed she didn't want to look up, so she just kept staring at her upchuck, breathing in the aroma of her BLT sandwich with stomach acid. Erin heard people gasp, plug their noses, and say things like ew! Gross! Omg! Mrs. Brink rushed to Erin's side asking her, "Are you okay? Do you feel like you'll throw up again?" Erin and answered yes to the first question and no to the second.

Michael was still in the same spot he was when Erin leaned over to puke. Mrs. Brink ran over to her desk quickly and grabbed a walkie talkie saying, "We had an accident in room 127."

Some kids laughed at the word accident and she knew exactly why.
"Can someone bring her to the nurse while I help the janitor?" And right on queue, Michael offered. Erin slowly got up, stepped over her 'accident', and walked towards Michael so he could walk with her. As they walked down the hall he began to speak.

"What was that about?" He asked. "Is my new hair color too hideous?" I laughed, and realized instead of the purple it was last night, it was mint green now.

"I don't know. I haven't felt sick all day." She replied. "And what happened to you?!"

"Er... nothing." He implied too suspiciously.

"Michael!" She yelled.

"Fine!" he groaned. "Some bastards where out smoking weed last night at the diner and saw us together." he started to explain. "They started laughing at me and I got angry so I," it was hard for him to speak now. "I punched him in the stomach." Erin gasped.

"When did this happen? Where?" She asked, now very concerned.

"In the courtyard at lunch. After he swung a couple of punches at my face, he collapsed, complaining that he couldn't move." Michael explained. "The ambulance came for him, but they told me to come so they could stitch up this gash." He said pointing to his forehead. "They said he broke a rib."

"I'm so sorry." Erin mumbled, looking down at her pacing her feet. "It's my fault. It would've happened if I hadn't called you last nig-"

"No!" He interrupted, standing in front of her grabbing her shoulders. "I'm glad we hung out last night. It was worth the cool scar I will have." He said, making Erin smile.

"Are we actually gonna go to the nurse?" Erin asked, hoping he had a better plan.

"Ha, no." he responded. "We are gonna go In here." He said opening the door to a janitors closet, and shoving her in. As he closed the door behind them, she tried not to scream because of the sudden darkness.

She tried to reach around to find him or the light switch, but found neither. Instead she found his lips for approximately 7.5 seconds.

"Just don't barf on me" He whispered between a kiss, then leaned in for another one.

The misfits: A Michael Clifford fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz