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"Hey jungmo-ah! Please stop bothering me."

"No, I won't"

Wonjin keeps running on the hallway escaping from jungmo, who bullies him.

"Jungmo, I'm begging you please stop this."

"What if I didn't want to stop it over? Do you have a choice?" Jungmo said while forcing wonjin to jump off on the third floor of the school building.

"Hey jungmo, stop!"

Jungmo glanced to where the voice came from and it was their principal, Allen Ma. After he saw that. Allen accused jungmo of bullying, making him suspended for 1 week.

Wonjin's POV;

"Aish, it happened again."

When will he stop from bullying me? I'm feeling weak because I can't defend myself against him. I'm feeling small.

I look at the sky full of tears. He will stop from bullying me, soon.

I heard footsteps heading near me. As I looked back, it was Serim. He is our class president. I didn't know what is the reason why he came near me since I see him as an introvert type of person.

"Hey wonjin! I saw what jungmo did to you and I'm sorry because I didn't do anything just to make him stay away from you."

"No, its okay. It is not your fault."

"I know you're not okay." Serim said as he wipes out my tears.

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"I don't want to see you crying just because of him."

"W-why are you being like this? W-why  are you so kind to me?

"Its n-nothing. Lets go?"


Serim's POV;

I don't know why am I being like this to him. I think it is just because I found him cute or what.

I like you wonjin, I hope you will notice that someday.

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