rafe | strangled

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I was sat on the beach with my friends, John B, JJ, Kie and Pope. It was a normal day for us, we were just sitting on the sand with beers, laughing and joking around.

All of that was suddenly stopped by the sound of motorcycles driving towards us.

"Who the hell is that?" Pope asked, with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Who do you think, genius," JJ began, "It's obviously a Kook."

"But who?" John asked.

I squinted my eyes and looked closer at the boys in the motorcycles. The tallest guy took his helmet off, and I knew exactly who they were.

"Rafe..." I listed slowly, "Topper.. and Kelce."

"Fantastic, just what we needed today." Kie sighed.

"You guys didn't do anything to them did you?" Pope asked John B and JJ.

"What makes you think it was us!?" JJ retorted, "I know we get into trouble sometimes but I think it's completely out of order to always assume it was me and-"

"Yeah, so we stole his weed." John B cut in.

"Dude." JJ said, under his breath.

"You did what?!" Pope shouted.

"Shh, they're coming, just act natural." Kie hissed.

They all got off of their bikes and headed straight towards our group.

"Oh hey, fancy a beer boys?" JJ joked, gesturing at the cooler with all the drinks in.

"You're dead Maybank." Rafe snapped.

"Woah, can we talk about this like mature adults?" JJ said, getting up and slowly edging backwards.

"Or we could do it a different way." Topper sneered, punching John B right in the face.

It was almost like they had assigned themselves to each other, and me and Kie stood back as we watched Rafe beat JJ, Topper beat John B, and Kelce yell at Pope to stay out of it.

"Guys please stop fighting!" Kie shouted, but no one stopped, or even acknowledged that she had spoken.

I took a different approach. I ran over and grabbed Rafe's shoulder, pulling him back.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Rafe yelled at me.

"Please stop hurting him!" I screamed, "I know what he did was stupid and wrong but we all know you're capable of a lot more than punching."

He harshly clutched my neck and pulled me closer to him.
"You listen here. Your boy stole something from me, and this is what he gets for it. If he didn't do anything, I wouldn't hurt him. So instead of sticking up for him just because I'm 'capable of a lot more', maybe you should realise that he is the actual problem here!" he ranted, slowly raising his voice at each word to the point where he was uncontrollably shouting in my face.

"Rafe-" I coughed, his hand still tight around my neck.

"Rafe, come on let go of her." John B said, with a hint of worry in his voice.

I could barely breathe at this point. I was too weak to pull his hand away, and felt myself slipping away.

"Rafe stop you're gonna kill her!" Kie screamed.

My eyes closed and I dropped to the ground.


I woke up and glanced around at my surroundings. I was in a room I had never been in before. I got up carefully, my head spinning slightly. As I walked towards the window, I realised I knew exactly where I was.

"Oh my god you're awake." I heard a voice. Trust it to be the one person I didn't feel like seeing right now.

"Hello Rafe." I said, bluntly.

"I'm so glad you're conscious oh my-" he began.

"Sorry what?" I cut him off, "Were you not the one that strangled me till I actually passed out from not breathing?!"

"I was and I am so so sorry. I know it is absolutely pathetic and I don't expect you to forgive me, but I got so lost in the moment and it was so much harder to fight JJ." he explained.

"I don't really think that's a valid excuse for choking me?" I pointed out.

"Well some people enjoy that kinda thing." he chuckled to himself.

I tried so hard not to laugh.

"Rafe you nearly killed me. How do you not understand that you can't just get away with it by pretending it didn't happen?!" I stressed.

"Y/n. My body had a mind of its own," he started to say, "I was on a lot of drugs and I wasn't thinking straight."

That excuse wasn't enough for me to forgive him. I stood there and crossed my arms, looking at him and giving him a quick nod as to tell him to go on.

"Trust me. I would never ever try and soberly hurt someone. Especially if that someone is you." he mumbled.

"What do you mean 'if it was me'?" I asked, with a confused look on my face.

"I'm gonna regret this." he sighed.

He took a deep breath in and I waited patiently for an explanation.

"I've always loved you, Y/n. I have no idea why, and since I saw you for the first time, I couldn't stop thinking about you." he confessed.

I stood there, my jaw dropped. I was absolutely speechless. A few hours ago this man was strangled me until I passed out, and now he was admitting his love to me. It was all way too much.

"You... what?" I stuttered.

"God Y/n, it's kinda hard to say, please don't make me do that all again." he said, running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really confused," I gulped, "Even in your drugged state, you still hurt me. Do you really lack so much self control that you can't stop yourself from nearly killing someone that you apparently love?"

"I need serious help, I know that." he trembled, tears beginning to form in his eyes as he started to cry.

I don't know if it was the fact I felt bad for him, or that my natural instinct is to comfort people, but I had the sudden urge to go over and hug him. I gestured for him to sit down on the bed and he rested his head on my shoulder as he cried.

"I'm gonna help you get through this alright? We're gonna do this together." I whispered in his ear.

He looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"I kinda like you too Rafe, but my main concern is making sure you're okay first. Because how are you supposed to love and take care of someone else, if you can't do it for yourself?" I continued.

"Thank you Y/n. You don't know how much you mean to me. God knows what I would've done without you," he said, "Even just knowing that I was gonna pass you in the street or see you at work kept me motivated to keep going."
I smiled in response.

Sure, he had physically hurt me. But I knew that he was hurting way more than I was, and I was prepared to help him through whatever problems he had, one at a time.


hey! i hope you enjoyed this.
i was kinda worried it was gonna be a bit weird having him nearly kill her and then having to end the story happily, but i think it turned out okay?

i don't know how you guys feel about rafe, obviously most of the stuff he does in outer banks is really bad, but i feel like it's nice to think that he's just misunderstood. drew starkey is also HOT so what can i say reallyy

thank you! <3


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