Chapter 7- Avengers Tower

Start from the beginning

I smile back down give her a quick kiss on the head and lead her inside

Lorelia's POV

When we go inside I feel all my marks burning

I look up and see all of my soulmates standing there with smiles

"Everybody this is Lorelia" Peter says to all the people standing in front of me

"Hi hot stuff, I'm Tony" the slightly older one says

I can't help but giggle a little at the nickname

"Hello princess, I'm Pietro and this is my sister Wanda" says the one with silver hair and smirk while pointing at the the other beautiful woman next to him

"I'm Bruce" says the man with dark curly hair a little shyly

"I'm Stephen" says the man with green eyes

"Hello my queen, I am Loki" said the man with long raven hair and pale skin

"Hello Lady Lorelia, I and Thor God of Thunder!" Booms the last man with blonde hair and a muscular build

"You guys can call me Rory if you want" I said a little embarrassed with all the eyes on me

"Well Rory I guess we got lucky being able to see you twice in one day" Sam said from the corner of the room

"Well I'm the one standing here with a bunch of really attractive people so I think I might actually be the lucky one" I say with a smile

Once we're all sitting in the living room they start to ask questions

"So we hear that your working for shield" Bruce says

"Yea, I'm coming back after two years of having absolutely no association with shield, so this it should be interesting" I say

"Why did you leave if you don't mind me asking?" Stephen asks politely

"Oh um, my mom, she died so I called it quits. I mean it was for the best, I had been at shield since I was 14. I realized that I should have been doing normal things like school and football games not working for a top secret organization." I say with a small smile

"14? Wow so your the youngest agent they've ever had. Why were you an agent at such a young age?" Pietro asked me

"Well my mom was an agent already so I was kind of familiar with that world and we discovered when I was pretty young that I was enhanced, so that was what really pulled me in" I respond a little hesitantly

"Enhanced how" Peter asked

"I have a couple of abilities" I say vaguely

I started to feel a little anxious and nervous but I tried my best not to show it on the outside

On the inside though I was about to have a mental breakdown from all the questions

I think maybe Wanda might have sensed my uneasiness somehow and intervened before anyone could ask more questions

"Alright I think we should stop bombarding her with all these hard questions" she said laughing

"Wanda's right guys, we're sorry Rory, we went a little crazy, we've just been waiting for our last piece for a while now that we want to know everything about you" Tony says a little sheepishly Scratching the back of his neck

"It's ok" I tell them smiling

I've never been comfortable talking about this kind of stuff not even with Maddie but for some reason I feel comfortable telling these people that I literally just met

Sure I feel a little anxious and nervous but I feel like I can trust them with my life

Like they would never hurt me intentionally

"You know what, I'll tell you everything as long as you promise to let me get drunk and get me food" I say with a smile

Tony instantly said yes while Clint, Natasha, Sam and Bucky burst out laughing

Steve looks a little concerned

"I don't know, your not even 21 yet and you have school tomorrow" Steve says

"Actually we have the day off because they're having teacher meetings or something like that" Peter says

"See it's fine, please Steve" I say pouting

"Would you rather me go get drunk at a bar with sleazy drunk men and pedophiles and-"

"Alright alright fine" Steve cuts me off

I cheer while everyone else start laughing and move to the movie room since it's bigger and we would have more places to sit and eat but still be comfy

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