When everything felt lost

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HAI, please vote (seriously) and enjoy! Fell free to judge, this is my first story so its ok----

CALLUM NO!, rayla shouted", Callum turned around and saw a big man with a hammer and hit him at the head, NOOOO", .... grrrrr.... rayla stabbed the person and brought callum where the dragon queen zubeia was sleeping, no no no no NO!!!", rayla shouted and started crying, Ezran suddenly came in and went to where they were and started crying too", what no no no this shouldnt be happening no no no NO!
*End of Flashback*


There I was lieing down at the ground with zym with me, callum thought, I suddenly heard footsteps coming inside,I couldnt prepare myself I was so scared, then when I saw the face, all of my fears went way because what I saw was a beautiful white haired girl come in, it was rayla", OOMG YES YOUR AWAKE (OOMG means"oh OH MY GOD)", how long was I asleep", Callum said trying to massage his head", uhhhhh er uh would you believe me if I say for a month??...Then Ezran and 5 other Old elves went in, Then when rayla say them she knew what must be done,"I understand.., rayla said, can you guys give us some privacy?rayla said, everyone left except for ezran, he was s so curious he tried to hide..... silence was all left in the room, Ezran was about to leave since there was nothing interesting, Callum...., rayla said

Thx for reading this im sorry if its short its just that its already 11:00PM already but im staying up late anyway, I promise with all my heart I will make the next chapter long maybe 3x longer than this
Shout out!

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