"he's more your friend than mine. i barely talk to the freak!" he glared at yukiko, "come on. stand up. we're at the stop." katsuki held her hand and made her stand up and hold onto the strap.

he looked between eijirou, who also stood up at the same time as them, and yukiko. katsuki whispered to her, "you're taller."

"really?" she smiled, her eyes sparkling. "this is so cool!" the three stepped off the train, yukiko having a new pep in her step after the newfound news about her height.

the three walked to school, yukiko in the middle. she stopped them at the sight of reporters surrounding the outside gate. "oh god..."

"what are all those reporters doing here?" eijirou asked.

"beats me." katsuki grumbled, continuing to walk forward. "let's just go." he pulled yukiko along. yukiko took notice of the reporter stopping each and everyone of the students, asking about All Might and how working with him has been. walking around the large group, katsuki pulled yukiko along, eijirou following behind her.

"excuse me, kid! are you in All Might's class?" the reporter asked, before pausing, "oh, hold on. aren't you that sludge villain kid?"

she held the mic up to katsuki, who grimaced, "walk away." he ordered.

yukiko jumped in front of him, "i'm sorry about him! he's IMS-ing."

"i'm not IMS-ing! i don't even know what that is!" katsuki shouted, pulling her along by her wrist, "stupid reporters." he walked through the barrier and pulled her along all the way to the class. he opened the door and walked over to his desk, and yukiko greeted everyone as she walked over to her desk, eijirou following behind her as he sat in his seat.

everyone had a bit of free time to themselves before Eraser Head walked in, asking everyone to take a seat and calm down, "decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. i saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results." he flipped through the notes All Might had written down during the training trials and results of the tests, "bakugo." he called out to katsuki.

oh, dear, yukiko thought.

"you're talented. so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"

katsuki narrowed his eyes, turning to look out the window, "yeah, whatever."

"and midoriya." Eraser Head called out to the green haired boy, who jittered, "i see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again." Eraser Head spoke in a knowing tone. he seemed to be going easier this year. "work harder. and don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. that line's already getting old. you can't keep breaking your body while training here. but your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it. so show a little urgency, huh?"

izuku looked up with a wide, hopeful smile on his lips, nodding, "right!"

Eraser Head returned the papers into the manilla folder, tapping the edges against the desk to straighten them out.

standing up, yukiko took the folder and returned to the desk and set it down.

"let's get down to business." Eraser Head spoke monotonous, "our first task will decide your future." he was silent for a moment, "you all need to pick a class representative."

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