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izuku? are you there? it's off for you to not answer.
delivered 2 minutes ago

looking at her phone confused, yukiko locked it, sliding it into the pocket of her bag and licked at the ice cream cone. izuku was usually so punctual with messaging or calling back, even when he was busy. he would answer so quickly. she began to worry that something was wrong. but she tried to push it to the back of her mind, convincing herself it wasn't that big of a deal and he'll answer soon.

she continued to walk down the street, taking notice of a large group gathering around an area. it was odd. normally, the only time people are gathered around some place is when there's a... villain...

yukiko connected the dots and quickly moved toward the group, throwing her ice cream cone into a waste bin, asking politely for people to move. "pardon me, what's going on?" she asked a bystander.

"some weird gooey guy took someone hostage at the tatooin shopping district!"

she quickly made her way through to the barrage of bystanders, her eyes widening.

katsuki was trapped. he was the hostage.

Death Arms, and another two heroes arrived on scene.

"katsuki!" yukiko yelled, watching as the villain slammed Death Arms up against a steel door.

wiggling around with the villain, katsuki yelled at the top of his lungs, "you picked the wrong guy to mess with." he bent forward, still very obviously restrained, "i'm gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! let me go!" as he yelled, explosions went off everywhere.

"excuse me!" yukiko called to BackDraft, who sectioned off the area, "i'm a soon to be second year at UA! i have my provisional license. i can absorb the oxygen to stop the fires!" she called.

BackDraft looks back at her, "i'm sorry! this is a matter for pro heroes."

"please, my friend is the hostage. please, i have to help." her eyes watered.

"we can't risk anyone else getting hurt!"

she sobbed, looking over to katsuki who was trapped. the police held back eager people, and even Mt. Lady, the newest hero as of late, came to help, although it was to no avail.

Kamui Woods saved most of the victims that were trapped in the middle, sprinting through carefully as not to get burned. and BackDraft hosed down some of the apartments that caught fire.

"katsuki!" yukiko yelled loudly, trying to push past the officers, "please, you have to let me help. please. i can absorb gases, please. if you let me help, i can stop the fires." but they didn't listen.

the heroes present handled damage control and rescue and save missions until someone that could help arrives.

"please! he'll kill him." she cried softly, pushing the officer, "you have to let me help!" tears fell down her cheeks, her heart racing a mile a minute, "let me save my friend!"

the entire crowd made chatter, asking questions while yukiko tried to convince any of the officers to let her through. while she pushed, suddenly someone ran through, stumbling on his own two feet. a familiar tuft of black and green hair sprinted through.

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