Olivia normally would have laughed at the scene, after all Crabbe and Goyle were rather stoic so any shrieking was peak comedy. But her fingers were too busy weaving a daisy chain, delicately constructing it and her eyes never breaking focus.

Daisy chains were something she had grown to become obsessed with. After all, after years of being sheltered from talking to the outside world she would take any entertainment she could get.

Draco admired the girl and her workings. Her concentration was remarkable. Especially with Daphne cackling like an old lady about Pansy's antics. Or the literal shrieking from the two boulders called Crabbe and Goyle.

His lips form a small smile, Liv looks up at him and blushes. "I zoned, didn't I?"

He smirks. "Just a little." He moves closer to have a look at the chain, that is now complete.

Her cheeks redden. "Sorry about the zoning out, this takes a lot of concentration-"

"Don't even apologise, Livvy. It looks incredible." He reassured her.

Liv grinned, which quickly turns into a smirk. "Care to try it on, Malfoy?" Her hand delicately holds the chain.

His eyebrows raise as the words register. Wordlessly he places it on his head and poses dramatically.

The group laugh and applaud, Crabbe and Goyle laugh at which point Draco gives Pansy a look. Their laughs are replaced by more shrieks as ants appeared.

The daisies complimented his snow coloured hair marvellously. His pale skin and silver orbs made the flowers shine even more.

Olivia smiles and adjusts the chain to make it a little longer and puts it around his neck.

Draco grins and gives her a quick hug. He loved the homemade gift. Daphne smiles at the pair and puts a charm on the chain, so that the flowers never die.

Draco thanked her and Liv's heart warmed as he kept the chain around his neck.

They head back inside. "Did anyone else forget about the mountain of potions homework we have waiting for us?" Blaise asks and the group groan. Their little escapade has a consequence it appears.

As they walk through the entrance and up the familiar cobble steps, they pass Ron Weasley who seems to have lost Scabbers.

"What's the matter Weasley? Can't find your vermin? Not surprised your family couldn't afford an actual pet, did they catch it themselves?" Draco sneers as the others laugh, Liv keeps quiet as she felt Ron's eyes gaze on hers curiously.

He couldn't possibly know about her family, could he?

As if on cue Harry Potter appears by his side. "Shove off, Malfoy. Least he didn't emotionally bleach his hair to deal with his family issues."

Draco laughs. "Least I have family to have issues with."

Harry's eyes glint with fury, that crossed a line for him. He pulls out his wand and murmurs something under his breath before moving the direction to Olivia.

It's as if the air was sucked out of her lungs and she doubles over. Internal fireworks ravage her insides and she begins shaking. Tears steam down her cheeks.

Pansy gasps and her and Daphne instantly help her towards the hospital wing. That was the last straw for Draco who went off on the pair. He wanted to keep his promise to Olivia, to not go off. He'd made it one late night, after they had stayed up talking.

And so he resorts to a punch in the face and a kick to Harry's stomach. Nobody harmed Olivia and got away with it.

"Boys, enough." Severus Snape appears out of nowhere.

"I ran into Ms Kensington who is currently in the hospital wing. Potter, Weasley you both should know better than to seriously injure a student. 50 points deducted," he paused and snickered. "Each."

The Gryffindor boys groan and storm off.

Severus turns to the Slytherin boys. "I suggest you support Ms Kensington. She'll need you lot."

His words resided with Draco, it seemed as if he intended a deeper meaning than a hospital visit.

But what on earth could he mean?

They immediately run to the hospital wing. Not stopping for anything, not even the oxygen that their lungs were craving.

Seeing Olivia on the hospital bed was the worst thing he'd witnessed. Her usual tan skin was eerily pale. Weak whimpers escaped her throat every few minutes. The girls were still sitting by her side. Daphne moved so Draco could switch with her spot.

He held her hand, worry and terror written all over his face. Liv grips his hand tightly everytime the pain comes. The pain was high, but Draco wouldn't ever complain nor ever even fathom letting go.

After all it was all his fault.

Olivia hadn't laughed with the others nor made any snide remarks. She was pure and sweet and he was the only reason they went after her.

She was the easiest way to destroy him.

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