Ch.4 Alleyway trouble

Start from the beginning

"You need this treatment! You've always been on it, why stop now?", Slowly reaching up towards Puffs hand, he came closer.

'stay still. Stay fucking still.', Edge thought.

Puff stepped back, looking towards the slide, weighing his options again, he decided for the slide. Quickly turning and sliding down. He landed on the soft foam and ran off once more.

Edge's teeth grinded together. He should've grabbed Puff when he had the chance. Why was he being so easy on Puff?! He shouldn't be. Edge slides down, running after him.

Puff could see the fence. He looked over his shoulder, he had enough time to hop over if he was quick enough.

Puff quickly puts his hands over the fence, hopping up and hooking one leg over. He was about to pull the other leg over however, Edge grabbed him.

"I'm tired of playing these chasing games Puff! My nerves are stretched beyond thin.", He pulled Puff towards him with his cuffs ready.

"Ow ow! You better unhand me now!"

"What are you going to do about it?", Edge glared daggers into the other. His grip tightened around Puff's arm.

Puff glared back. For a moment his fear went away. He winded his leg back and kicked as hard as he could into Edge's face.

A yelp came from the officer as his head snapped back. He fell to the floor, clutching at his nose that was now gushing blood. Puff took this moment to hop over the fence and run off again.

"Oh you little bitch! I'll break your hand for that!", He slowly got up, looking at his palm and clothing. They were ruined and stained. Edge kept himself a little leaned forward, watching a small red puddle form. He bit his lip, wiping the blood off his face and hopping the fence. He splashed in mud. Fantastic! Just what he needed.

He looked around, the alleyway split off in three directions. Forward, to his left, and the right. The alleyway in front of him led to the Street while left and right was behind buildings.

The officer carefully jogged behind the buildings. It was disgusting and smelled awful. Trash was littered behind an old restaurant. Some scattered and ripped clothes from a clothing store. Vines and weeds grew around the base and up the walls of some buildings.

Edge was at a loss. The tracks left in the mud from his little runaway downer was already getting muddled up. That, and grey clouds were rolling in. It was going to rain, heavily too it looks like. The tracks will be washed away and he'll have to drive around again. He couldn't risk losing Puff again.

He followed the tracks again, it took a turn between buildings. He caught a glance at someone down the alleyway. He mentally prepared himself. Mentally prepare for whatever stunt Puff would pull. Just thinking about this troublesome skeleton made his head hurt.

He growled. He was about to snap at the figure down the alleyway. However he stopped and composed himself. This wasn't who he was looking for...

It was just a rabbit in an apron. Their long ears twitched as they looked over. Confused more than anything. They held a trash bag, throwing it away and quickly walking away towards the restaurant. The tracks left behind, somewhat, looked like what Edge was following. Great. He went after the wrong monster. A rabbit.

He turned around, surveying the area once more. There were no more hints around. Nothing that could help him get on track. Everything in the mud looked the same to him. He couldn't tell which were footprints and which was just muddled up mud.

A migraine was setting in,"Great...I lost a rebeliant little downer and my head is pulsing. Can I have a break today?!", He leaned against the walls, walking back towards the park. He'll have to make a file on Puff and make sure all officers in the area are aware. He couldn't let this troublesome maggot get away that easily.

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