Chapter-1: The Return

Start from the beginning

"Jawohl Kommandant" she said with a smile and salute.

"Does your parents by the way know you are in a relationship with someone?" she asked.

"Dad knows it since we were both in Germany with me being in Western Force and him on Berlin although we didn't get to see each other all the time due to his work but we do call each other and he supports me and when I told him about you, well lets just say he was ecstatic about it and Mom well not yet maybe when we get settled in Japan and when she learns that I'm back I'll introduce you to her" he said with a chuckle.

"Ok sure I have no problems with that I think we should rest for now since we still have a few hours before we touch down at Japan" she suggested.

"Yeah your right, come here" As they snuggled up in sleep.


 (Time flew by like it was not there soon the C-17 touched down in Japan with the crew and their gears and equipment being unloaded from the C-17 to a truck.)

[Private Airfield]-Japan: 0640 hours

"Hey Kommandant where are they taking our stuff?" asked Hans worryingly.

"yeah I appreciate them doing that but I don't trust them with my personal belongings" remarked Werner.

"You two stop whining will you" Wilhelmina Scolds.

"Don't worry you two they are just gonna take our stuff to the place where we'll crash in during our stay here in Japan if I was correct the school got us a house with a large enough garage for us to store Leo here and provided us with a Maintenance man and fuel, Ammo and even spare parts"

"I see well then I'm glad Kommandant" Said Werner.

"Looks like we have some guest to meet" Said Wilhelmina.

(As she said those sentence she glances at at an individual that is wearing a black academic robes with a fan with the logo of the Japanese Sensha-do Federation which Jiro noted to be Shichiro Kodama the Director of the Sensha-do Federation as soon Jiro saw him he motions his crew away from the two of them so they could talk in private.)

"Ah hello and good morning Mr. Jager" he greeted.

"Ah good morning to you as well Kodama-san" he replied.

"You can speak Japanese?" he asked in surprise.

"I never said I was German by Blood"

"I see I'm quite surprised that the famous Western wolf opted to try out to be a Sensha-do instructor and volunteer to be part of the exchange program" he said.

"Me too but here I am being one, and I got to say to meet the director of the Japanese Sensha-do Federation on my first day here in Japan is an Honor" he teased.

"Oh please don't be like that Mr. Jager  I just came here to greet you that's all since your gonna be working with us for the duration of the exchange program yes?" he said back in a amused fashion.

"Yes I'll be working with the Federation for the Program of course" he said.

"Yes I did heard a lot of good things about you, from your tournaments in Europe" he said.

"I see my reputation still precedes me everywhere I go, but may I ask something" he started.

"Sure go ahead ask anything you want?" he replied.

"What's the news on the motion to allow boys to participate in sensha-do any movements?" Eric asked.

"Now that's something I haven't heard quite a while but more or less its moving at a snails pace"

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