oh, shut up

i'll wait until he's out of little space

which is tomorrow since we're about to sleep soon

anyway, i have to go :)

bye, hyung 🥰

you better ask!
read 22:24pm


"koo!" taehyung complains, standing up to take jeongguk's phone out of his hands. "stop playing with your phone!"

"sorry, baby," jeongguk whispers, kissing the top of taehyung's head. "i know i promised you that we were going to play, but it's already late. my precious baby won't want to miss his hours of sleep, doesn't he?"

taehyung shook his head. "b-but you pinky swore it! those aren't meant to be broken!"

"okay, how about this," jeongguk starts. "i pinky swear that we're going to play tomorrow, okay?"

"but big tae would come out," taehyung pouts, his eyes shining with tears. "i-i won't get time to play with you!"

jeongguk wipes away taehyung's tears, cupping taehyung's face. "i'm sure you'll be able to, okay? for now, let's sleep."

taehyung nods, pout still on his face. he climbs into bed, letting jeongguk in before cuddling him tightly. "woah, there, bun. what's wrong?"

"i don't know," taehyung mumbled. "i just felt like cuddle with koo."

jeongguk smiles brightly, pulling him closer, breathing in taehyung's sweet scent. "well, we can cuddle until we fall asleep, okay? does that make up for not playing today? do you want me to sing your favorite song?"

taehyung nodded, feeling sleepy as soon as jeongguk started singing.


they both soon woke up to the blinding lights from the sun.

"good morning, koo," taehyung says, his voice deep. "did something weird happened while i was in little space last night?"

"no," jeongguk grumbles, his hands covering his eyes. "but you were stubborn to keep playing with your stupid toys."

"hey, those are not stupid toys!" taehyung complains, hitting jeongguk's chest lightly. "they helped me calm down, okay?" he huffs, sitting down on top of jeongguk to wake him up; see, the thing is, taehyung still acts childishly even if he's not in Little space. "wake. the. fuck. up! we have a whole day to spend, so don't spend it by sleeping!"

jeongguk groans, feeling taehyung jump on his dick. "okay, okay! stop! you're going to kill me, oh my god." taehyung smiles in satisfaction jumping off of jeongguk.

"i shower first!" the younger yells, running to the bathroom and locking the doors. jeongguk chuckles softly ruffling his hair.

'i should probably confess to tae today,' he thinks to himself. 'but how?'

jeongguk wasn't even sure if taehyung liked him back (because he was really oblivious with his surroundings).


busan buddy


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