"I would if you just do something around the house," he responded, his voice raising. "Pick up on household chores, work and bring a paycheck home, help your mother out, take me to doctors appointments. Anything other than sitting around all day playing you're your toys."

"Red, you're going to give yourself another heart attack," Kitty informed him. "You need to calm down."

Red put his hands up. "Fine, fine. But I want those chores done today, Eric. And if you half-ass it, I'm going to make you do it all over again, plus cleaning out the gutters and fixing the leak under the bathroom sink."

Eric grunted. "Fine, I'll do it."

Red nodded, pleased he won the argument and turned back to his meal. It was silent for a moment, the air thick with tension. Hyde and Y/N just sat there, eating quietly and stiffened. Well, not so much Hyde because it was always amusing seeing Red yell at Eric, but for Y/N it was different. Even though she was used to the constant fighting, their argument had never been this intense.

"So," Kitty said, clearing her throat, trying to ease the conversation. "Steven, how's work going?"

"Oh, you know, working at the kitchen is great," he said, taking a chip to his mouth. "Ever since Kelso and Eric left, things have been pretty quiet. We hired a new server so it makes things a little easier."

Kitty beamed proudly at him. "I'm glad to hear it. What about you, dear?" she asked turned to Y/N .

"It's good," she responded. "Helping brides pick out their dresses. It's nice and easy."

"Well, good," Kitty replied and patted her hand. "I'm so proud of you. Although, you're going to have to leave me to go to Denver." Her smile turned into a sad one and her voice cracked.

"Mom, I haven't even been accepted yet," Y/N responded, trying to comfort her mother. "Who knows, I might end up going to the college in Kenosha or staying to go to the community college here."

Hyde sat up a little straighter, hope filling him.

"Have you applied to them?" Red asked.

"Well, I applied to Denver first and then if I didn't get in, I was going to apply to Kenosha. If that didn't work out, then the community college here since I can just go sign up."

Red beamed at her proudly. "That's my girl."

Y/N smiled up at him. He can be a hard ass, but seeing him smile proudly at her and being the softy he was with her, made it all worth it. "Thanks, Daddy."

"What are you going to study?" Kitty asked and suddenly all eyes were on Y/N . Kitty was hoping she'd follow in her footsteps and become a nurse, but Y/N wasn't too sure if she even wanted that.

"Um," she stumbled, gulping. "I'm not sure. I was thinking either engineering or automotive."

"Oh, honey, you don't want to do that," Kitty said, handing her another sandwich.

"Why not?" Red asked before Y/N could. "She's knowledgeable about that kind of stuff. Hell, I've taught her all about cars and the mechanics. Unlike dumbass over here."

"Hey!" Eric called out. "We both know that I am not strong enough to hold up a tire."

"Yeah," Red said, dragging it out and glared at him. "I know."

"Mom, why shouldn't I study those?" Y/N asked.

"Well, you don't want to work in a man's place," she responded. "It's dirty and hot, and it's super hard to do. Besides, you'll just distract the boys from doing their jobs."

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