chapter 4

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———Your POV

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Your POV

I'm pretty excited to see Kaido, Nendo, and Saiki today knowing now that they are good with me being there.

When I entered the classroom there was still some whispering about me going on and I didn't know what to make of it. I could hear most of them saying kind things but the thought going through my head was they wouldn't actually compliment you. I was able to push it away when Nendo greeted me.

"Heyy (Y/n), I hope you had a great weekend."

"Morning Nendo, it was great actually," I said with a big smile.

Then of course him and Kaido found something to go on and on about until Kaido invited both Nendo and Saiki over to his place.
Nendo was all over it claiming he could "find the good stuff" at his place but Saiki sat there thinking for a bit.

"Actually Kaido, (Y/n) and I already have plans to go to the arcade together," he stated.

My jaw slightly dropped as I was pretty stunned by this. We didn't make plans for today, did we? Or did I just forget?

Saiki's statement seemed to also surprise the others too because judging by their facial expressions, he doesn't make the plans with others very often. They begin to try and get Saiki to allow them to go with and he doesn't seem like he's going to budge at all any time soon, so they turn to me.

"(Y/n), pleaseee let us come with tooo," they both plead.

"Uhhh-" I look over to Saiki for some help on what to say and he just shakes his head, "sorry but maybe some other time?"

Their last attempt to get me to change my mind, they turn away pouting, but I just shrug my shoulders and face our teacher who just walked in. Gah perfect timing, I don't think I could tell them no a second time.

Saiki Kusuo's POV

It's finally the end of the day. Now I can go ho- never mind I forgot that I made plans with (Y/n).. I guess this won't be too bad since we can end things at the arcade as soon as I want.

I stand there at the front doors waiting for her to come out. When she finally exits the school the first thing that comes out of her mouth is, "Why did you lie to them saying we had already made plans?"

I don't want to tell her I don't like Nendo and Kaido but I also don't want her to think that I have a crush on her or something so, "I wanted to repay you for taking care of that terrible creature."

"Oh, it's no problem I'm used to taking care of stuff like that," she smiled.

"It's still something I feel like I should do so let's get going."


While they were together at the arcade, they both seemed to have a very good time. (Y/n) would pout at her losses and accuse Saiki of not trying hard enough when she won. Of course he was letting her win on purpose so the likability would remain at the perfect level, but he found it funny when she lost and made that goofy looking face. Saiki found himself looking at her more than he would other people, even chuckling at some of her jokes.

Saiki Kusuo's POV

Well it's already almost 7 now, time really flew by for once. "Hey (Y/n), I think it's about time we head out now."

"Oh wow, it's already this late?? Aw man and I completely forgot about all the homework I have to do," she pouts.

"Sorry about keeping you held up here, let's get to walking home." Too bad she's with me because otherwise I could just teleport home.

Stepping outside felt like walking into a work of art. The sky was glittering in shades of yellow and bright orange. (Y/n) was also surprised by how beautiful the sky looked, and at the last second I realized she had begun crossing the street without looking and a car was heading straight for her.

I immediately used levitation to fly to her and pull her out of the way. Oh no. I used it without even thinking, there wasn't enough time to consider my options.

"Saiki.. w-what just happened? How did I not get hit by that car? And how did I end up in your arms??"

I let go of her and try to explain, "Look I can tell you everything but just not here." I grab her wrist and pull her around this corner where no one will see and teleport us to my room.

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