Start from the beginning

"Must be pretty desperate to come asking for my assistance, but I'll bite." Leonard said as his sight finally landed on Barry. "What do you need?"

"Help transporting some people out of the city." Said Barry.

"How many?"

"Five...." Barry couldn't decide whether or not he should give Snart the whole truth, but he realized that he would find out anyway if he agreed to help. "Five very bad, very angry people who have powers."

"Powers hmm?" Leonard thought to himself briefly. "So you want me to do what? Freeze the problem? Protect you from them if anything goes wrong?" Evelyn rubbed her forehead. She could tell by the way the tone of his voice slowly turned cold that he was growing frustrated with Barry for coming to him for help. Barry nodded his head at Leonard's claim.

Leonard stood to his feet. "First rule of business: always protect yourself. I'm not gonna help you usher your enemies out of town."

"Leo, just hear him out." She told him a tad frustrated, but he chose to ignore her.

"Hey, they're not just my enemies. They're your enemies too." Barry told him as he begun to walk passed him.

"I doubt it." Leonard fired back in hostility. Barry then grabbed ahold of his forearm preventing him from leaving the establishment.

"They will destroy Central City, Leo." Evelyn told him softly. Her tone was pleading.

Leonard held up his stone cold demeanor. He refused to look at her, because he knew he would cave with one glance. He hated the hold she had over him. He's whipped and he knew it which only irritated him more. She had him in the palm of her hands, but she wanted him to be a hero. And he was no hero. It was times like these he wondered if he is what she needed. He could never be the man she wanted him to be. The man she believed he could someday be, and he didn't want to let her down. Not again. "It's not my problem." He countered coldly.

"You said that you love it here. That this is your home" Said Barry.

"I do and it is." Leonard replied dryly.

"Well, guess what? These people get loose, there won't be a city to love anymore. You won't be able to rob anyone if everybody's dead." Barry told him frustratedly.

"That's a compelling argument. But if I'm gonna help you out... I'll need something in return." Leonard stated as he walked over to an empty table. Barry and Evelyn huddled around it. Leonard pulled out a piece of paper and had begun scribbling something down.

"Like what?" Barry asked suspiciously.

"This." Leonard slid the slip over to Barry.

Barry looked at the paper and his eyes widened. He chuckled in disbelief. "No." He told him sternly. "This is impossible. I can't do that." Evelyn tried to look at what he requested, but it was impossible to make it out with Barry's hand in the way.

"Then I can't help you."

"There has to.. Snart, there has to be something you want that I can get." Barry attempted to negotiate with him.

He pretended to ponder on it. "Let me think about." He gave him a smug smile before he walked off.

"I'll be right back. Let me talk to him." Evelyn told Barry who leaned on his palms on the table. He nodded slowly. She could see the defeat in his eyes.

Evelyn ran out the door to the parking lot. She found him faster than she expected. To be honest, she thought he would've left by now, but he stood beside his car. His hand rested on the open door on the driver side. His sight on Evelyn. He was obviously waiting for her to come out here because he knew she would follow him. He knew she wasn't the type to just give up.

"I gotta say, for a man who's morally righteous he sure had no problem turning to my girl to help manipulate me into helping his cause." Leonard told her. She hated how distant he sounded. She knew he was a bit mad.

"We weren't trying to manipulate you." Evelyn said in a hushed voice.

"What do you want from me, Evelyn?" He asked her, and she was surprised on how soft and gentle his voice was. She rarely ever heard this side of him. The side that for once wasn't teasing or guarded. He for once was vulnerable. "I'm not a hero."

"I'm not asking you to be a hero." She told him genuinely, and he searched her eyes for any hidden lies but there wasn't any. "That doesn't happen over night. But people's lives are on the line. They may have their share of sins but they're still human beings. I'm asking you to do what's right." Evelyn laced her hands with his. He looked down at their intertwined hands then back to her with calm blue eyes. She was so sure he was about to give in and do the right thing. Not just by her, but by the city.

Leonard pulled his hand out of her grasp. His once soft eyes back to its usual cold exterior. "Like I told your friend...I'll think about it."

Evelyn sucked in a sharp breath as Leonard got into his car and sped out of the parking lot.


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