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Forgot to mention that they are humans and I'll be changing the cover once I get my other tablet so I can edit pictures so just a warning cover will change


" boss boss boss"

Two men came brawling into their bosses room


" Sorry Cross- U MEAN BOSS! "

Cross sighed in annoyance "speak your business then leave I don't want you two wasting my time"

"S-sorry boss" one said standing up straight

The other did the same before speaking "Boss Horror was severely injured in his last assignment"

Cross rubbed his temples "how?"

"He was trying to finish off the target but a civilian got in the way and managed to stab Horror...like a lot"

Cross groaned "let me guess, Dust, you're only telling me this because you want me to send someone out there because now your pissed that your boyfriend got hurt right?"

Dust was silent yet he wasn't surprised that Cross knew about his and Horrors relationship. Cross knew everything, there wasn't a single thing about anyone that worked for Cross that Cross didn't already know and frankly it was terrifying

"Are you a statue now?" Dust quickly shook his head " then answer my question " Cross clearly wasn't having a good day

"You're right boss sorry for taking up your time" Dust apologized something Cross never did

Cross sighed heavily "Reaper why are you here?"

Reaper shrugged "I was kinda hoping you'd kick Dusts ass for bothering you for such a stupid reason I just wanted front row seats"

Cross sent a deadly glare toward Reaper "Dust leave" Dust did as told no questions asked and just to make sure he didn't get in trouble he closed the door "Reaper." The tone of Cross voice sent shivers down Reaper spine " you wanted to watch someone else punishment yet you are behind on what 7 jobs now? I mean you're lucky I haven't had someone dispose of you, because your wasting my time do you know who you work for?"

Reaper nodded before speaking "I-I work for one of the most powerful mafia bosses in Fandom City sir"

Cross nodded "yes you do and your boss is kind enough to pay for your apartment and your lovers hospital bills. It would be a shame if Geno was let go now wouldn't it"

Reaper stiffened "give me a week and I'll have all the jobs done"

Cross nodded as he scratched his head "if by midnight next Monday they aren't done...well you know what happens" Reaper nodded and Cross dismissed him (Cross is scary)

Once Reaper closed the door Cross slammed his head on his desk. Today wasn't his day. First he learns Nightmare and some of his other men ran off to form there own gang, then Bill (like Bill sans) tell's him the police found a lead to where their base is and then on top of it all half his group where total idiot's.

Cross enjoyed his work but times like these where the worst. Cross has to move based and Kill off everyone who betrayed him to join Nightmare witch happened to be his least favorite people. So Nightmare had Fell, Hate, Error, Color and Abyss. He was really only worried that Hate and Error left they where strong and good assets to the group.

Cross ran his fingers threw his hair as he decided how to deal with this. 1 he could go after them himself 2 have everyone but hate and Error Killed then show those two a bad time or 3 send in his secret weapon in to break the group apart from the inside.

There was a knock on his office door Cross sat up "Come in"

The door opened with an unpleasant creak and in walked Epic Cross secret weapon "hey boss Bruh I heard about the betrayal want me to take care of it?"

Cross smirked it was menacing the kind of face you make when your planing something evil "I was going to take care of it myself but since you're here and you asked no point in stopping you"

Epic smiled "thanks Boss Bruh I'll make sure not to disappoint!" Epic turned around to leave

Cross spoke before Epic even opened the door "Send Lust here before you leave it's getting late and I have a job for him"

Epic nodded before leaving. Cross was relieved the burden was taken care off now to find and Kill the mother fucker that attacked Horror. Lust was probably the perfect candidate for that job seeing as he was the best at finding info and he was where Cross went when he couldn't find something out or was just to lazy to give a duck about finding it on his own.

Cross probably had to wait about 30 minutes before Lust showed up and he didn't bother knocking.

"Yes boss?" Lust said as he closed the door

" You are probably already awere but Horror was attacked and I -" Cross didn't need too finish Lust already knew

"You want me to find the bitch kill him and then Kill Horrors target right?" Cross nodded and Lust smiled " sounds fun but can I bring Bill with me he's a lot stronger then I am and if this guy turns out to be to strong 2 against 1 will make us have higher odds"

"I don't care who you take as long as this guy is killed. I'd like his head or at least a picture of him before you dump the body" Cross Stood up and stretched "you may leave everyone should have already went home so we should do the same"

Lust nodded and left leaving Cross yet again alone. He grabbed a few papers off his desk. They happened to be a list of people that owed Cross money and tonight seemed like a good night to collect.

Cross glared at the list as he walked out of his office. The first one on his list owed him over $10,000 and he was give 72 extra days to pay it off. And he just couldn't do it. Cross pulled his hood over his head as he walked out of the building.

72 extra days out of his 200 days. That alone made Cross mad he had been so generous to Gaster (not x Gaster) he told Gaster he could Keep W.D Hospital the biggest of the three hospitals in Fandom city if he just gave Cross $10,000 but he failed. So Cross was going to take the hospital and well As for Gaster Cross was going to cut him off.

Cross made his way to Gasters small house. The night was a bit chilly but the sky was bright. "He's going to regret defying me"

Cross knocked on a door "Coming!" An older man with scars one on each eye opened the door "C-cross"

Gaster tried to close the door but Cross forced it open and let himself into the house. "What a pity" Cross said with a glare

"L-listen! I almost have the money!" Gaster begged

" I don't want to hear it. I gave you extra time. And you wasted it" Cross sighed

"Cross please give me a little longer I can get you the moi in a month!" Gaster was shaking

Cross gave the old man in front of him a look of pure disappointment "I know you could get me the money but you where given an extended dead line and well your times up" a knife appeared in Cross hand it was glowing red "anyone who has ever seen this knife hasn't lived to tell the tail"

Gaster opened his mouth to speak to plead for his life but he didn't get the chance.


Lust happily skipped threw the streets Horror had given him a description of the man that attacked him and it wasn't going to take long to find such an unusual man. So Lust was going to procrastinate a little and just head home and find the man in the morning.

As Lust walked past a small town with about four or five houses he heard a scream. Lust sighed someone just died, it didn't really affects Lust because his job was to kill people so he just smiled a little and kept walking.

"Beautiful night I bet the Boss is out and about" Lust mumbled to himself "tomorrow is going to be fun!" Lust smiled as he walked into his apartment .

Soooo is it good? Also sorry this chapter was intended to be longer qwq

1443 words

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