Episode 2: On Unknown Lands

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The four of them had been walking what felt like forever! This forest never ended. The sun had moved from east to west and made the sky turn to that orange shade. It would soon be nighttime, but still there was no sign of Manny stopping to take a break. 

"Manny we have been walking for hours! Can't we take a little break?!" Sid yelled, dragging his body along the ground. "I can't feel my feet!" He whined once more. 

"It's not a great idea to stop and rest in these woods. There could be predators lurking around here!" Manny shouted back, still walking. 

Raven smirked and stopped to turn her whole body, facing Sid. "We are on unknown lands now. Remember Sid?" She rushed up to him and stood behind him leaning in close. "There's danger behind every corner..." The female grinned at him. Sid swallowed hard and got up on his feet to continue walking. 

"Manny... I do not like to confess this, but Sid is right." Diego halted, making Sid more or less run into the tiger and fall on his butt. Diego sighed in annoyance. He redirected his focus on Manny, who had stopped walking and looking slightly back at them. "If we get a little rest, we will be able to defend ourselves if there should be anything dangerous here." He looked back at Raven and Sid. "But, if we keep on walking we will tire ourselves out and will not be able to defend anyone for that matter..." He looked back at Manny, who sighed in defeat.

"Fine." He said sternly. "I just wish there could have been a better place to stay, so keep your guard up." 

Around them were a few smaller trees and a cliff, some bushes here and there. Everything was covered in snow still, but no one cared as they were all tired. Sid was about to create a fire, but Manny smacked his head with the trunk. "The fire would attract unwanted guests, Sid. Would you want that?" He snarled at the sloth. 

"Just offer them Sid, and we won't have any problems." Diego chuckled. "The smell will scare them away." Raven chuckled at his comment as Sid only huffed and feel flat down on the ground beside them, his face facing upwards.

Raven moved closer to them all. "What's the plan?" She asked as the others looked at her curiously. 

Sid sat up on his side leaning on his elbow, facing the female. "Easy, we should sleep." He laid down again. The rest of them just glared at him, then shook their heads.

"I mean... What is OUR plan? Where are we heading? Do we have a destination or what?" Raven asked them. Diego looked over at Manny, then back at Raven. The leader looked down for a moment to think. 

"I'm not so sure..." He then said, looking up at her. "I was only thinking about heading south, since we came from the north and we all saw how the living standards was up there." He chuckled at it. 

Raven thought about going south before mentioning it. "So... Follow the big herd?" She directed her question to the mammoth, unsure of his reaction to it. "It will be the best for all of us, you know?" Diego frowned at her suggestion. 

"And you think the herd would be fine with two saber tooth's?" Diego raised a brow at her as he sat up. They all looked at each other. Raven the slightly laughed.

"I think they are more scared of Manny than us two." She chuckled. "Especially that tapir creature (Moeritherium), when he shouted to you to get outta the way." Manny chuckled at that. "As long as we don't attack them, I think they would be fine with us, Diego." Raven nodded towards the other tiger. Diego was a little unsure about all this, but he nodded his head. 

A snort was heard and everyone looked at Sid. He was fast asleep, snoring loud. Manny let out a unsatisfied sigh. He then looked at the rest. "I think it's settled then?" He looked at the other two. They nodded their heads. "Great. Then get some rest. We'll be leaving soon." Manny laid his head down to rest. 

Raven let out a yawn, laying down trying to settle down. She frowns a little as her wounds stings for a short second. Before she closes her eyes, she can see Diego having her eyes on her. "I'm fine..." She whispered, assuring him. He didn't take his eyes of her for a moment, like he wasn't convinced. "Really I'm fine." Raven whispered again. 

"You should be more careful... You might re-open your wounds. It would make things worse." He nodded towards her wounds, before laying down and closing his eyes. 

"Thanks captain obvious..." She muttered to herself. Like she didn't know that already. 

Skipping a few hours of sleep

The wind blew lightly, in synch with the others breathing. Yet something woke Diego up, a sound perhaps? He opened his heavy eyes to look around carefully. It was dark, but Diego, like other tigers, could see in the dark. Nothing really. He heard it again. It sounded like it came from a bush. Something moving around. Before he knew it Raven opened her eyes. She had heard something too. They both looked at each other. Is something watching them? Diego stood up and looked towards the bushes he thought he heard the sounds. Raven stood up as well, in case of back up. A sound was heard again. Diego took a stance and crept towards the bush. He jumped at it. A roar was heard and out came Diego and... Another tiger?! 

(A/N: Sorry for late update and a rushed chapter! But, I'll try my best to find more inspiration for this story, before the second movie.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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