Chapter Five: Where We Left Off

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Laròn stood from the damp wooden table clutching her tankard. She was three drinks in and felt it was time to go get out of her damp clothes and lay down. But just as she stood, six men came strolling into the tavern. Front and center was a tall lanky man with a long flowing coat and a colorful handkerchief tied around his neck. "Well if it isn't Calico Jack Rackham!" The barmaid called out to him. Now Laròn would've been absolutely fine in that moment if she'd had kept her cool. He still didn't know what she looked like so all she needed to do was blend in. But in a drunken moment of panic, Laròn gasped and dropped her metal tankard on the ground causing a loud clank. Rackham immediately turned toward Laròn. His dark eyes widened and peered into hers. Her heart began to pound. As foggy as she was, her mind was racing. If she ran he'd know for sure she was who he was looking for. But on the other hand if she stayed, he already saw her fear of him on her face. He saw her panic. He could tell she wanted to run. He could also tell she was drunk. He walked toward her, "when I look around this room, do you know what I see?" Laròn said nothing. She was desperately trying to look calm but managed to make herself look even more guilty. "I see a room full of men and whores. And then there's you. A female pirate. You're a rare breed. So when I come in here and see the one thing I was looking for and she just so happens to be dripping wet, I have to ask..... did Captain Hornigold throw you overboard?" Rackhams men chuckled as they slowly walked up behind their captain in case she tries to flee. "You'll never find the compass," Laròn grumbled through gritted teeth. Jack was startled by the fact that she didn't keep up the game of cat and mouse. She admitted who she was without a fight. Was this a drunken mistake? Was she just that confident? He couldn't tell. He squinted with a look of confusion. "Well look at almost remind me of my Anne. Tough as nails but a complete and utter mystery to me."
"She your lover?"
"Yes...since we're getting to know each other, how about you tell me your name."
"Laròn. Brunhilda Laròn."
"Well miss Laròn, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," he stepped toward her. Laròn quickly swung at Jack but he was quick to grab her wrist just before she could make contact with his face. Jacks crew took a step closer with their hands on their weapons. Jack raised his hand toward them, signaling them to stop. While still holding her wrist he stepped even closer and leaned in to her ear, "I don't want to hurt you. From what I can see you're not armed. You do not have a crew to protect you, and as YOU can see, my men are just itching for a fight. All you have to do is hand over the compass and we will leave you be." He leaned back from her and looked at her as he awaited a response. Her mind was racing, yet she was dizzy. All she could think about was running. "What choice have you got?" Jack said as he let go of her wrist. She dropped her head in defeat. "I um...." she began. She noticed in her peripheral that there was a full tankard just behind her hand on the table right behind her. Maybe it was the alcohol that made her very brave or very stupid, but she quickly grabbed the tankard and splashed the ale into Rackhams face and darted through the back door. "GET HER!!!" Jack yelled as he wiped his eyes. His men took off after her. As fast as her feet could carry her she headed for her shack. She burst through the door and locked it and ran next to her bed and grabbed her pistol with one shot from under her pillow. The men caught up and immediately started kicking the door. She could hear their captain yelling, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TO TEAR THE WHOLE FUCKING THING DOWN! GET HER!" She was terrified and her dizziness was getting worse from breathing so heavy. As the men were slamming into the door trying to break it down, Jack began walking the perimeter of the shack looking for another way in. There was an open window in the back and he quietly climbed in. Laròn, with her pistol aimed at the door was slowly inching backward as she felt herself becoming faint. Her back bumped into Jack who was just standing there. She quickly turned, startled, as he grabbed her hand holding the pistol and it went off over his shoulder. He just stood there, tall, holding her hand as the pistol dropped to the ground. His face seemed to say 'you should've listened to me'. He stared daggers into her eyes as she fainted into his arms. Jack lifted her and placed her on her bed and immediately unlocked the door. His men swarmed in. "It has to be here somewhere! Tear the place apart!" He ordered. The crew began flipping all the furniture and emptying drawers and pulling up the floor boards. They found her trinkets, a small bag of black pearls, and a small chest with a lock. They used the back of a gun to break the lock off. There were a few gemstones, some jewelry, letters, and a few gold coins. "No compass, captain!" One of the men called out. Jack kicked a table out of frustration. He looked over at Laròn who was passed out drunk on the bed, "lift her." One of the crew pulled Laròn by her arm and tossed her over his shoulder. Jack pulled up her pillow and blankets and cushions. Nothing but a small dagger. "Put her down," he ordered. The man placed her back on her bed. Jack stood in front of her and glanced around the room once more getting extremely frustrated. Finally he leaned down, grabbed Laròn by her collar, and propped her up. He grabbed her face, "get up!" He ordered. She was still out cold. He turned to his men, "water, now!" His men scrambled and handed him a wooden bucket of water from the kitchen. He splashed her in the face. Her eyes shot open as she gasped hard. Jack grabbed her face again. He was kneeling face level to her, "WHERE—IS—THE—FUCKING—COMPASS!?" At this point Jack had murder in his eyes as his fingers dug hard into her jaw. "NASSAU!" Laròn screamed. Jacks face went fast from extreme anger to shock. His grip loosened, "what?"
"The compass is in Nassau...I buried it in the cave next to the opium den," she lied to save her life. "Why..why would you do that?" Jack stuttered. Laròn thought quickly, "I didn't have a crew to help me get the treasure, and until I did, I needed it to stay hidden. And I had to get out of Nassau because too many people were after the compass." "So you came here?" Jack asked trying to make sense of her story. "I live here, I thought I'd be safe here. I thought I could get a crew together here. No one here knows of the compass." Jack just stared at her as she spoke. He stood up and took a step back, then headed for the front door, "take her." Laròn's eyes widened as she kicked back against the wall. Jacks men grabbed her and hoisted her up as they carried her out of her shack.

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