Chapter Two: Betrayal

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             Sparrow sloshed through the shallow water as he made his way to shore. Will Turner, Gibbs, and most of his crew were following closely behind. "Laròn!" Sparrow called out as he scanned the beach. There were men hoisting barrels off their boats and onto the land and others taking inventory of their shipments. There were tents scattered around, some for cooking, some for smithing, some for whores. The beach was busy and full of energy.       
              Through the sounds and voices Sparrow heard the man in the medical tent calling someone, anyone to catch the thief woman who stole from him. Sparrow made his way to the tent but only listened from the outside. Sparrow could only make out scattered words through the mans broken English. He peeked in and saw the man who escaped from the ship with his compass. Sparrow motioned to one of his men to take the doctor. The crew member held a pistol to the doctor and held up one finger to his lips to signal to the doctor not to make a sound. Sparrow, Will, and Gibbs walked into the tent and moved toward the injured man.
            When the man saw them he immediately stirred and his thoughts scrambled thinking of a way to get away. With his foot so injured he knew he wouldn't get far. Sparrow raised a pistol to the man, "I want to know what you want with MY compass. What did your friend do to it? What was that voodoo curse?" The man breathed heavy and stayed silent until Jack stepped quickly pressing the pistol to the mans forehead. "OKAY OKAY I TELL YOU!!!" The man cried out as he raised both hands. Jacks head lifted as his eyebrows raised awaiting the explanation. "The compass, which your lady crew member took, points to Captain Flints buried treasure on skeleton island."  Sparrow, his whole crew, and the doctor all gasped. Their eyes bugged from their heads and jaws dropped.
           They stood frozen in silence for several moments until finally Sparrow called out to his crew, "FAN OUT! FIND HER!! GET ME THAT COMPASS!" They took off in different directions leaving the injured man alone with the doctor. The injured man dropped his head down and stared up toward the sky catching his breath. The doctor made his way toward the man and grabbed his arm, "you had the compass! Where were you taking it? Why were you here?"
"I made a deal with Captain Jack Rackham. My ship had taken on a lot of water from a previous altercation. We would have never been able to catch up with The Black Pearl, taken the compass, and get all the way to Skeleton Island and back. Someone who knew about the deal with Rackham tipped Blackbeard off. He came for us. Attacked us. Destroyed my ship. My men and I made a deal with Rackham that if we get him the compass, he and his crew could take the treasure, and we would get a large cut. I lost my ship. I lost all of my men. I lost my brother. If I don't get that compass to Rackham, he'll come for me."
"Who do you think tipped Blackbeard off?"
"Charles Vane. I saw him on Blackbeard's ship. I also saw him with Rackham the day we made the deal."
"I see," the doctor drifted off into thought. He finished wrapping the mans foot, "I have a man working on a crutch for you to stand with. It won't be long but you'll need it to get around until you heal. Just relax. I'll be back for you shortly."
          The doctor left the tent and made his way into the town, down a long road  to a large dwelling that stood three stories high. The doctor made his way up the stairs. There was a long hallway and at the end was a door with a woman with long red hair under a floppy hat leaning against the door frame. The doctor made his way toward the woman. "Anne Bonny, I seek an audience with Jack." "He's in a meeting," she grumbled without making eye contact. "I assure you it's of the upmost importance..." he leaned and whispered, "...I believe he's been betrayed." Bonny raised her chin and glared at him with her big green eyes and dirt on her face. "Give me a name," she demanded. "Charles Vane." Her arms dropped to her sides as she stood and opened the door.   
                 Jack Rackham was sitting behind a large desk across from a woman. "I'm a little busy here. Hello doctor, this is my new crew member, Sierra Ruby," Jack gestured toward the woman sitting in front of him. The doctor tipped his hat to her, "mum." "Can I help you with something?" Jack asked the doctor. "I should need to speak with you in private, Captain." Sierra stood and left the room. Bonny stayed and leaned against the window next to Jack. "I'm treating an injured man on the beach. He told me he had business with you. About a compass." Jack jumped up from his seat, "he's here? Does he have it?"
"No. It's been stolen."
"By who?"
"A woman. One of Jack Sparrows crew."
"Jack Sparrows in Nassau?" Rackham quickly turned to the window and looked out to the ocean to see the Black Pearl anchored.
"Sparrow and his crew are searching for the woman as well," the doctor continued.
"Wait so she's out there alone...with the compass...a discription? Anything?"
"All the young man said was that she had black hair. Not much to go on."
Jack headed for the door. "Wait!" The doctor called out. Jack stopped and turned. "There's more. From what I gather, Charles Vane has joined up with Edward Teach and are searching for the compass as well." Jacks eyes widened. He glanced up at his lover, Anne. She glared at him and shook her head. "Charles fucking Vane. That fucking cunt betrayed me."  
          Jack turned back toward the door, "Anne, help me find the girl. Get the crew out there searching as well." Jack walked out, then immediately walked back in and picked up a lantern and angrily threw it against the wall shattering it. "Okay, NOW lets go."

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