It be Demon time

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So I was in a group with survivors, we ran from demons and stuff because it was an apocalypse. They all packed up in a car and I tried to fit in the back of their car but my legs were sticking out, and a demon was chasing me, and as they drove slowly, the demon grabbed my leg and bit me, turning me into a demon.

I joined muzans group and killed humans, but we had to camp in a house because the military was after us, and as we chatted in a small house, a tank drove by. It was so loud, and intimidating, and it shook me to my very core. We looked through the windows and after it past, we went outside to see army soldiers running at us. I ran over to the driveway that had a huge van in it and ran to the other side of it, and humans came out of the house, like an old man I think. I killed him and many others while Muzan watched, then I ran inside the house, and saw my sister hiding in a room. I left her alone, then went into a nother room with other humans.. let them live, and into another with a squirrel who could talk, but I also let him live. I only killed a few humans in the house, then ran outside again.

Muzan noticed I didn't kill some humans and started to smack me over and over, telling me I'm weak and too soft and all that. I still had humanity in me ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

That's where it ended. Kinda weird xD

Hope you liked that dream, I haven't uploaded in a while, it's because my house is so fucking loud in the morning, THANKS TO A CERTAIN SOMEONE.... and it's hard to concentrate on writing, it was VERY VERY loud as I wrote this, but I wanted to write about this dream and tried to block out the noise.

Have a good day or night everyone!

Stay safe

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