10. Tinatangi

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"Little bird! You're okay!" Jonah celebrated when they finally reunited a few hours later. Lara and Sam were both soaking wet from the rain but they had managed to find their way back to the inn, where their partners-in-crime had been waiting for their return, and were no more worse for wear than usual.

Sam tried to ignore the pang of jealousy he felt as he saw Jonah hug Lara and Lara reciprocate it without so much as a moment's hesitation but swallowed down that awful feeling before he made a fool of himself. He already had enough issues with David and wasn't in the mood to start something with Jonah, especially because he knew, deep down, who Lara prioritized and it wasn't him.

"You're soaking wet!" Jonah remarked as he held her out at arm's length to look her over.

"Trust me, it isn't just from the rain," Lara chuckled in amusement. "But that's not important. We don't have much time left in the day but I'm sure we can--"

"Lara, it can wait a day. You need to rest," Sully insisted.

"You really should," Sam said.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw surprise cross Sully's features -- yep, I really sided with the old man, didn't I? he thought, knowing Sully would probably never let him live it down -- for a brief moment but pretended he didn't see anything and went back to the inn with Lara. She had reluctantly conceded, even though the Queen was the only thing on her mind and she didn't like having to take a day to rest because it felt like she was being lazy.

In the meantime, she could only hope that the weather would work in her favor and slow down Chase Carver as much as possible until she was ready to get back at it.

Secretly, she hoped she would be back on her feet by tomorrow but refrained from telling her partners that, for she knew they would try and hold her down for much longer than she was comfortable.

Well, maybe not Sam but Sully and Jonah most definitely would try to do everything in their power to get her to rest even though recuperating would remain in the back of her mind until she made it back to the peace and tranquility of Croft Manor. She could hear the wilds calling to her, begging her to return as soon as she could, almost like she was dearly missed as soon as she stepped back into civilization.

But maybe a little rest and relaxation will be a good thing, she mused as she slipped into her room for a warm shower and a change of clothes.

Meanwhile, Sam couldn't deny he felt a little disappointed in seeing Lara being so touchy-feely with Jonah despite knowing that they were only friends and nothing more. He tried his best to brush off what he knew was nothing more than stupid, petty, unfounded jealousy and decided to smoke off his feelings until he was calm again.

However, it wasn't long -- he'd barely burned through his second cigarette -- before he heard a knock on his door and was surprised to see Lara when he opened it.


"Hey, uh... what're you doing here? N-not that I'm not happy to see you..." Sam tried his hardest not to stutter.

"I'm feeling way too restless," Lara admitted with a shrug. Her lips curved up into a soft smile that made her eyes sparkle. Her quiet sheepishness was truly something to admire and although he admired her bold and tenacious nature, Sam secretly wished he could see this reserved side to Lara much more often.

"Is that so?"

"I was wondering if you might want to keep me company for a little while, unless you're busy--"

"Y-yeah, yeah, sure, come on in," Sam said as he stepped aside to let her into his room before shutting the door.

"Would you believe me if I said I'm not tired at all? I feel like I want to run up walls and do flips and shoot guns and jump out of windows," Lara admitted as she seated herself at the table where she had swept the floor with Sam in cards just the other night.

Danger Is What You Taste Like | Sam Drake x Lara CroftOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz