Chapter 1

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Readers POV

'I actually did it' I thought as I walked home from Final Selection. I opened the cabin I lived in and closed it. I took my shoes off and walked inside. I turn the light on and went to the bathroom.

I filled the bathtub up and took my clothes off and got in once it was full.

I lived with an only lady. She taught me Star Breathing. She told me it's very hard to master and is almost fully forgotten. Most people don't even know about it anymore. That's how difficult it is to learn. But, it's very powerful.

I had multiple cuts on my arms and legs, I even had one on my cheek. It wasn't hard killing the demon's during the final Selection, It was just nerve-racking. I got the cuts from falling down a hill

My muscles relaxed. I'm pretty sure Ms.Tomoe is out right now. That's the name of the old lady. She was kind-hearted but very stern. She is also really stubborn.

We lived in a small cabin. Probably just enough for 4 people to stay. Ms. Tomoe took me in when I was 4 years old. She found me walking around the woods. My parents lost me during a demon attack. At least that's what Ms. Tomoe thinks. She found me covered in blood and I was crying. I don't remember my parents at all.

Ms. Tomoe taught me to always help. Once I saw a demon when I was 10... It was eating a family of 3. I was terrified. Luckily the demon never saw me. But I wished I could have helped the family. That's when I learned that life isn't just being alive. Its more than that, Its special, fragile, and needs to be protected.

Ms. Tomoe then thought I should be a demon slayer. She taught me Star breathing and it took 5 years for me to learn. Some of the moves I still fail at. I'm still working on it. But I know most of them and have mastered those.

I agreed, cuz I wanted to be one of those people to protect life. I also wanted to find my family. And if they did die in the demon attack, I wanted to protect as many families as possible so they don't end up like mine.

I heard the door open. "I'm back (Y/n)!" I heard Ms. Tomoe yell from across the house.

It brought me out of thoughts. I got out of the bathtub and got dressed once again. I opened the door. "What's for dinner?" I asked. I walked to the living room to see 3 unfamiliar boys. Ms. Tomoe was in the kitchen. I looked at them.

"Sew," She said. "Also, we have guests. And next time respond to me faster!!!! I thought you died!" She yelled at me looking into the living room at me pointing a tomato at me.

"And you didn't cry...? nice to Know how much you love me, after all, this time I have known you" I mumbled.

I looked at the 3 boys again. "Hi! My name is (Y/n)" I said smiling at them.

"Their demon slayers like you," Ms. Tomoe said. "I invited them to stay as long as they like. And maybe they can even toughen you up. But let them sleep in your room"

"I'm tough enough!" I yelled at her.

"No your not! You still haven't mastered Big Bang and Gravitational Combat!" She said

"Those are so hard to do~ Plus Big Bang is the strongest one~" I mumbled.

"I'm Tanjiro Kamado," Said the boy with a scar on his forehead. "And the one with the boar head is Inosuke"

His voice was soft and kind. You can tell he was a gentle person.

"I'm Zenitsu," Said the boy with orange hair.

"Its nice to meet you all," I said smiling at them

I looked at the box that Tanjiro had near his feet. I could see the box moving, but very slightly.

Demons and humans have different movements. I could easily tell there was a demon in that box.

I looked up at Tanjiro from the box. "Let me show you guys to my room... That's where you all will be sleeping" I said smiling at them.

They followed me to my room. I let them in and closed the door behind me. They all looked around. Tanjiro had the box on his back.

"Tanjiro," i said looking at him. "Why is there a demon in that box"

i was stern. And I was also prepared to attack the demon. I know I didn't have my sword yet. I'll get it tomorrow along with the uniform. And tomorrow Ms. Tomoe is also giving me a present.

He looked at me nervously.

"How did you know there was a demon?" Zenitsu said

"I have excellent eyesight. And demons and humans have different movements. I could tell my just glancing at the thing" I said "I want an answer Tanjiro"

"It's my sister," He said setting the box down. My curtains were closed and it was night anyway.

He then tapped on the box three times. The door then opened revealing an adorable girl.

"She won't hurt any humans. I'm trying to turn her back to human" He said

She had a bamboo stick in her mouth like a muzzle. She didn't even look like a demon.

I smiled at her softly. I wonder if I have a sister or a brother. "I'm sure the granny knew about her once she saw you guys...... If she trusts her, then I will too" I said "Take good care of her. And don't lose her either"

I looked at the boys. "Only thing I'm asking you not to do, is no break anything. And don't go through my stuff" I said as I opened the door. "Make yourself feel at home. I'm sure dinner will be ready in an hour"

I walked out closing the door. I decide to walk around the woods a little. We lived around Wisteria flowers. So I was safe. Once I got bored of walking around I decided to head home. I opened the door and was greeted by the smell of the stew.

It smelled nice. "How many times do I have to tell you not to go outside at night!" Ms. Tomoe said throwing a spatula at me which just barely missed my head.

The 3 boys were sitting at the table. "Dinners ready, (Y/n)" Ms. Tomoe said. "This will be the last meal you have with me. After this, you're on your own"

I walked over and sat down. "That is if I don't leave," I said.

"You want to find your family... don't you. You better start the search tomorrow. You also want to protect life" She said setting a bowl in front of us.

My face grew hot. From how she said it, she made it sound childish.

"I already know~," i said.

"You lost your family?" Tanjiro said

I didn't respond. Tomoe sat at the table with a bowl. I started to eat.

"Her family was attacked by a demon when she was little," She said. "She lost her family and she wants to find them. She also wants to protect as many people as possible. She isn't even sure if her family is dead or not"

My face just grew even hotter. "Stop telling them about my life!" i said. "Not everyone needs to know"

"Can I ask you guys for a favor?" Ms. Tomoe said

This caught my attention. She never asks for favors. She always does it herself or orders someone to do it.

"Anything! You are giving us dinner after all" Tanjiro said.

"No matter what. Stay with (Y/n). Even if you have to force her" Ms. Tomoe said. "She is reckless and clumsy. And still has a lot to learn"

My eyes widen. "You do care about me..." I mumbled looking at Tomoe surprised.

"Gladly," Tanjiro said.

That's when I heard a meow at the door. "Hina!! You finally came home!" I said running up to the door and opening it. I looked down to see a torn up cat. They were gutted and had multiple deep cuts.

I knew that cat. "H-Hina...?" I said crouching down. Hina was dead.

"So this is who the cat belonged too? You look so delicious~" I looked up to see a man. But he was clearly a demon with his orange skin and green hair. He had cat ears and tail matching his skin.

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