No Purpose

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Lately, I've been feeling like a waste of space.

Actually, I lied.

I've felt like a waste of space for quite a while now.

Sometimes I resent the fact that I was ever born and that makes me sad because I know what my birth meant to my mother.

But what the hell am I supposed to do?

I'm living a life that feels like it's going nowhere and that terrifies me.

Was I seriously born to be a depressed neet?

That's entirely too tragic to even dwell on.

They say that you have to go through trials and tribulations before you find where you're meant to be; before you reach "happiness".

Well, I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth it.

Like, shit.

Can't I catch my breath?

Take a break from the bullshit, heartache, and disappointment?

Cuz' right now I feel like I'm stuck living a life with no purpose.

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