|| Uno Reverse it, Baby ||

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Starr's View;

Classes were still going but i got out early. Volleyball practice is every eighth period so i only had seven periods. I was happy because now i could meet my coach and play volleyball.

I went to the locker rooms and changed into my spandex and shirt. The girls in the locker rooms were giving me dirty looks. I just ignored them until one of them came up to me.

"Are you Starr James?" I nodded.

"And you are?"

"Doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you to stay away from Jordan!" I looked at her confused.


"I saw him talking to you and i just wanted to tell you to back away."

"Do you know who the hell you are talking to? Cause i know damn well it ain't me." I began to get up from the locker room bench.

"Leave her alone, Katie." I turned and saw Leila.

"Whatevs!" The girl stomped away. Leila came closer to me smiling.

"Are you in the Volleyball team, too?" She nodded.

"Yup. Don't mind any of them, they are all stuck up." I laughed nodding.


"They think they all have a chance with Jordan because they are friends but he's not even close to liking them." I nodded. I began to put my gear on.

"But you do!" She said. I turned to Leila confused.


"I could tell Jordan likes you. I saw you were hanging out with Olivia earlier today and that's a good thing because Jordan likes girls who are nice to his sister. Ever since she did what she did, everyone turned their backs on her and she ghosted everyone." Leila said

"Until today. I'm surprised she even talked to you and Spencer."

"She's really nice and i don't like Jordan." Leila laughed.

"Okay, whatever you say."

"I'm serious." She was chuckling.

"You don't like him but he likes you. Remember earlier today, when you came up to us he literally was ignoring Hadley and putting all his attention on you." Leila explained.

"And i don't need it. He can have all the girls he wants but he can leave me alone. What about you? You like Spencer, huh?" She shook her head.

"I'm dating someone. He's on the football team too." I nodded. I finished putting on my gear and got up. Leila was all done too.

We exited the locker rooms and headed to the Gym. We walked in until someone walked up to us.

"Starr James! Good to see you here. We are going to do warmups and then start playing to see what you got." I nodded.

"I thought you were only the Coach of the Football team?" I told Billy Baker, my now Coach.

"I coached volleyball last year."

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