Chapter 2: An Unfortunate Demise

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They don't know me...

They don't know me at all.

And yet they judge like they do..

If they were to leave... Leave the face of this world..

Would anyone notice?

Naruto gasped lightly as he opened his eyes. He was back in the spot he previously hid in. Not knowing what to do, the little boy frantically searched around him for the slightly broken clock he couldn't find earlier. He moved and felt all over, but still couldn't find it.

"Time.. clock. I don't know the time.."
"You mean this weird thing? So filthy. What human could possibly own this cheap, hand-me-down time counter? I never knew money was such a need for you mortals."

The Kyuubi! Naruto peeked through the opening between the log and the ditch he was hiding in underneath it. And much to his delight, there stood the nine tailed human fox he met in the weird sewer place. Crawling out, the little blond moved hurriedly to hug his leg - considering it was the only place he was tall enough to reach - and clung tightly to it.

"Kyuubi! Kyuubi!"

The fox looked down at the boy who didn't seem to be letting go any time soon. He covered his mouth that held a smile with his hand that was also covered by the unusually long sleeve of the deep red kimono he was also wearing.

"Hello again. It was only a minute we were separated for. I returned with you as promised."

Naruto was fully aware it was only a little bit since the two were together, but it felt like eternity with everything that was running around and speaking within his mind.

"Protect. Hunters."

He hummed lightly and looked at the approaching group of villagers that was heading their way.

"You don't have to worry your little blond head, little one," the nine tailed Kyuubi chuckled as he ruffled the top of Naruto's hair which was soft to the touch. "They wouldn't even lay a finger on you. Much less think of uttering anything mean either."

The little blond boy looked up at his friend with big puppy eyes.

"Are you.. sure?"
"Of course. Whatever I say is right. Remember that."

Naruto nodded and looked at the group of hunters that grew closer and closer every second. But the young boy couldn't help but whimper and bury his head into the leg of the Kyuubi and cling even tighter.


The fox didn't respond as he continued to look at the villagers that seemed to have spotted him and Naruto. He let a frown upon his face and furrowed his eyebrows together. Eyes still closed as they normally always were, yet of course he could still see as if they were open.

He bared his teeth and growled.

"Annoying pests. Consider yourself lucky I was locked up for so long. Your dead bodies would've already been under my feet by them. But it seems that luck clocks it's time to leave."

Raising his hand and outstretched in front of him, the Kyuubi flexed his fingers and absurdly sharp nails as if holding an oversized orange. A blood red glow began to emerge from his palm.

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