Ian x Reader- Picnic

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Hey guys! Sorry I've been on a hiatus for so long. I've been super busy and I didn't want you guys to worry, so I just put that in my bio.
I got a request for Laurel x Manticore which I am PUMPED to do, but I'll get there next- I feel most inspired writing IanxReader, so I thought that would be a good way to jump back in, and I just wanted to give you guys something to read in the meantime while I think of the perfect idea lol :)
Thank you all for the tremendous support! I didn't think I'd get this much love on a story and on a oneshot series I wrote just for fun!
Thanks Emisfreakingamazing  for helping me come up with some of these ideas :)

Today had to be perfect.
I had finally asked (y/n) out on a date.
I remember every detail, so much so it might have triggered a core memory.
I walked up to her locker, rose in hand, sweat dribbling down my face as I watched the perfect beauty switch out her books and close the locker. She turned my way and saw me, and a smile appeared on her face.
Good start.
"Hey Ian! You ready to ace that French test?" She punched me in the shoulder gently as a friendly gesture and I chuckled.
"Oui, madame," I replied, and gulped.
French Class was the place we had met, and we were almost inseparable in school since. We never switched partners in class, and we always hung out during school hours. But this time I wanted to do something different.
"(Y/n), before we go in there I want to ask you something," I breathed out, and she nodded, politely waiting for my question.
I held up the rose and asked; "(y/n), est-ce que tu voudrais aller a le parc pour un picque-nique?"
She raised her eyebrows eagerly, and I was almost certain she would have said no at that moment.
"Ian are you asking me on a date?"
I smiled crookedly and nodded. "...maybe.."
She smiled back and giggled a little. "I'd love to, Ian."
"Oh that's okay, I figured you had plans... wait did you just say yes?"
She giggled again. "Yes! I'd love to. Saturday at 6?"
"S-sure," I spattered out like a doof, and she picked up the rose, sniffed the flower and smiled before walking to French class.

Needless to say I was distracted during the French exam, and I think (y/n) was too. But today was the day.
I had packed a small lunch from Quest Burger, a place she had constantly went on about how she loved. The bacon burger, to be exact.
I adjusted the collar of my checkered shirt and started on my way, but mom stopped me in my tracks.
"Ian hon! Before you go on your date..." she walked up to me and brushed my shoulders to make sure I was clean and ready.
"Barley is going to bring you home. I don't want you walking home alone at night."
I froze a little. Barley? Taking me home?
I loved my brother and all, but he can be a little... much.
But I guess I have to agree with mom. I'd rather be safe going home tonight.
"Fine... but make sure you tell him NOT to embarrass me." I raised my pinky in an act of promise and mom nodded, locking her pinky in mine.
"I will tell him," she continued, then smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Ooo I'm so excited for you! Have fun honey!"
I had set up at the park a little early. 5:50 had rolled around and I was sitting on the picnic blanket, constantly checking my watch. Around 5:55 (y/n) rolled in on her bike, stopping and flashing a beautiful smile my way.
Oh no. Here comes the sweat works.
"H-hey, (y/n)!"
"Hey, Ian," she smiled, then unbuckled her helmet. "You're early!"
I relaxed my shoulders and chuckled. "Yeah, you know what they say; 'if you're early you're on time, if you're on time you're late,'"
"And if you're late they think you're dead," she giggled, and I sighed at the beautiful noise. She had the most gorgeous laugh, and hearing it always brightened my day.
She sat down by my side and put her hand on the picnic basket. "May I..?"
I nodded, and she opened it, letting out a gasp as if she had just seen a ghost.
"Quest Burger?!!! You listened!" She smiled widely and took the bag out of the basket. I laughed.
"Of course I did, you don't stop talking about it."
"Hey, leave me and my burger habits alone," she whined, taking a bite of one of the burgers in the bag.
The night had gone by so quickly, I could barely tell that 4 hours had gone by with (y/n). We sat talking about everything that was going on in our lives. We had eventually packed everything up so we could take a walk around the park.
She seemed so intrigued by the nature. Granted, the park was very well groomed, with mushroom plants and beautiful flowers kept in neat gardens patching the park. She would sometimes point to the flowers and tell me their name, or a story about the flowers, and I couldn't keep my ears and eyes off her. She was so interesting, and so beautiful.
We finally made it to the place we had started and sat on the bench.
"I had a lot of fun tonight, Ian." She looked up and me and smiled.
I smiled back, and I felt her hand on top of mine on the bench. I had to take a deep breath to contain the nervousness and happiness I felt all at the same time.
"We should do it again sometime,"
"Another date?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. She nodded.
"Yeah, I'd love to go out with you again, Monsieur Lightfoot," she smirked a little, then giggled.
I nodded and laughed with her. "Absolutely, Madame (l/n)."
I saw her start to lean in a little closer, and my heart nearly stopped.
I leaned in as well, but something purple caught my eye behind (y/n).
Barley was in the parking lot.
And he definitely saw us.
He was cheering me on in the van, and although I couldn't hear it, he was definitely verbal about it. He made a motion and turned the other way, rubbing his hands on his arms so it looked like he was making out with someone.
I winced a little at the sight and (y/n) opened her eyes.
"Oh.. sorry I wasn't sure.."
"Oh no.. no you're fine!" I reassured her. "I just.. saw a bunny.."
"A bunny, where?" She said almost immediately, turning her head. I quickly placed my fingers on her chin and gently turned her back.
"No it's gone!" I quickly said, my voice raising in suspicion. She could tell.
She raised an eyebrow. "Ian? Is everything okay?"
I sighed and realized there was no getting out of this without her getting suspicious.
"My brother is in the parking lot. He's being.. VERY embarrassing."
She turned and saw Barley, and through the van windows you could see him mouth, "HI (Y/N)!!!"
I was sure my life was over, but I heard that beautiful giggle again. I looked at her.
"He seems funny. My sister would act the same way if she were here."
I smiled in relief and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"So.. where were we?"
"You were gonna kiss me," I replied with a little smirk.
"Really? I don't remember.." she joked, returning the smirk. "You should remind me."
I looked up at Barley, who took the hint and turned away. I cupped (y/n)'s cheek and brought her into a sweet kiss, feeling her arms snake around my shoulders.
I pulled away after a minute, and I could feel my heart beating a million times a minute.
She smiled and stood, taking her helmet in her hand. "I'll see you later, Monsieur Lightfoot," she punched my arm lightly once again, then planted a quick kiss on my cheek before walking to her bike and riding off down the street. I watched her until she disappeared.
Apparently so did barley because as soon as she was out of sight the horn on his van blared into my ears.
I ran to the van and slammed the door shut behind me, then shushed my brother.
"Shh, Barley, it's 10 at night!"
"Oops, sorry, I just got so excited for you!" He pulled me close under his arm and rubbed my head in a noogie.
I laughed and pried away from him, laughing and smiling, not stopping until I fell asleep to end the perfect night.

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