Chapter 1

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You sprinted towards the subway station, already running late as it was. You dodged through crowds swiftly, grasping onto your messenger bag. You didn't want to admit that this was your daily routine, but it most definitely was. You made it the metal railing that led to the underground entrance. Everyone must've looked like ants climbing up and down the escalators provided.

You waited in line to enter the subway station, only to see some kids blocking the entrance to the rails as they argued with a security agent.

"Yo man, I put $10 on that card last week!" argued a brown haired boy wearing a white hoodie underneath a jean jacket.

"We swear sir, we saw Jake deposit that money!" The blonde pale girl with square glasses tried to reason with security guard. The black kid holding a jukebox nodded in agreement.

"We just need to head home!" He replied as he fixed his own glasses.

The hefty security guard let out an irritated sigh. "Move along, you kids are holding up the line-"

"Here, I can pay for the ticket," you offered giving the officer a five dollar bill. The kids look at you in awe, a little shock by the kind gesture.

The officer kneaded his brows."Ma'am if you want to pay for his ride your going to have to do it at one of the booths, for-" you spin around and give the money to the teen. Before Jake could do anything you start pushing him to the booth.

"You know this has been fun and all, but I'm late to work," you forced a smile at the officer as you walked to enter the station. As you swiped your metro card, you heard the kids in the distance.

"Thank you!" They yelled as they waved goodbye. You smiled in response, happy that they were happy. You returned to your speed walk, still keeping your bag beside you, still bumping into a bunch of interesting people.

Street performers in the station would play music, dance, make art, and just weird performative antics that were simply just impressive. They were always  near the entrance of the trains where people waited to get on or depart. Today it seem to just be a man with a guitar singing acoustic covers of popular pop songs. He didn't sound half bad so you put some loose change in there when walking past him. As doing so, you felt someone push you to the side. You quickly turned around to see the hooded figure run off with your phone.

"Hey! Come back!!" You started running towards him, but the crowd started to become too condensed as the train arrived at the rails. You grab your hand in the air trying to make it through but it was futile.

The sound of the train doors opening made everyone start pushing in. This gave you a chance to catch up to the figure! You quickly looked back and forth in the moving crowd and saw them trying to enter into a train car ahead of you.

"Hey! Bastard! That's mine!" You yelled. The figure spotted you and started to push himself into the train car. You started running again, pushing yourself into the less dense area before he could get on.

The figure was almost there, being aggressive and pushing through their own crowd. They turned towards you, now noticing you were within an arms length from getting them. They started to shove people, which led to outbursts of disapproving cries. You are finally able to grab his hood, only for him to yank it back. The train door closes once he enters it. He waves your phone the window hole. You let out and angry sigh, kicking a paper cup into the rails as the train left the station.

Your shoulders low, bag closer to you now, you turn to wait for the next train. You stand there, noticing rush hour was coming to a stop. A man in a suit with a magazine waited beside you. He shakes his paper and you then noticed him wearing a rabbit mask with red eyes. You try to see if that was really true. Who would wear something as suspicious as that in public? Before you could do a double take he walks into the train car you were going in, only to then disappear once he entered.

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