Chapter 28

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"Careful Rhiada!" Eltrys exclaimed as he caught the silver plates inches from the floor.
Rhiada barely heard him though, she was too excited. "Eltrys! Eltrys! The baby kicked!"
The plates he was holding slipped from his hands as he took Rhiada in them and spun her around, laughing.
"Eltrys! Stop, stop! I'm going to be sick!" She tried to speak clearly but couldn't mask her laughter.
Bringing her back around Eltrys planted a small kiss on her forehead then held her in his arms.

Maxine watched them from the table she sat at but her mind was elsewhere, back in her home and in her kitchen.
The aroma of coffee was strong in the air as she removed the pitcher from the coffee machine and poured two mugs, one for herself and one for Nate who came stumbling from the bedroom with sleepy eyes. Even with his messy hair and groggy gaze he was handsome.
"Looks like you could use some of this," she said as she slid the mug across the counter.
He grinned and took a sip. Immediately he perked up, gaining his animated demeanor. "Who's the other cup for?"
"Oh no, no, no, no." He reached over and took the cup from her hands as she was about to take a sip. "I don't want baby Shaun to bounce off the walls."
She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her belly. Inside a six-month-old, healthy, baby boy was growing an getting more excited to come each day.
Before she could respond she felt a faint push under her palm.
"What?" Nate asked at seeing her face light up.
"He kicked!" She said, staring at him with eyes overflowing with excitement.
He practically threw himself over the counter and gently placed his hand where her hand been.
It was only a moment before he felt the faint push too.
"Hey Shaun," he said, kneeling down and speaking to her belly, "Hey there. You seem pretty lively this morning. I don't think you need any coffee huh?"
Maxine laughed and found tears forming in her eyes. This was a moment she'd long waited for. The pregnancy had been hard, not so much in the baby's development but more so in her life as she had to take a maternal leave from her job right in the midst of a huge case. Nate had taken his leave from the Army as well after years of service in the 108th Infantry Regiment.
"You know you have the best mother in the world." He continued as he looked up at Maxine and beamed. His smile told her that he couldn't be prouder.
"Just wait until you meet your father. He's definitely going to spoil you."

There was nothing she could do to stop the feeling of jealousy which rose inside her. That was her and Nate and in a different reality maybe they could've watched their son grow up. They could've heard his first words, watch him stumble as he took his first steps, even walked him to his kindergarten class.
While still buried in these thoughts, Eltrys came back over to the table with a map in his hands.
"The trek to Sky Heaven shouldn't take but a few hours."
He pointed to a trail leading east, out of Markarth and ending at a large mountain on which the word Karthspire was written and by which a river ran.
"Lucky for us the blades, ever since they've returned to the temple, have kept the surrounding Forsworn camps clear. Hopefully we will be met by one of their patrols who will guide us up the mountain to their sanctuary."
Rhiada strode over to Eltrys. "Please be safe. Return home before sun set."
Eltrys cupped both her hands in his. "Don't worry I'll be back soon."
Maxine pretended to be gathering her gear and rearranging it in her bag when really, she couldn't stand to watch as Eltrys and Rhiada shared a long kiss before embracing.
She felt guilty and ashamed of her envy but at the same time didn't try to fight it.
Brynjolf offered Rhiada some comforting words. "Don't worry Lass, we'll have him home before you can say 'Karthspire.'"
They left the home but only after thanking Rhiada profusely for her hospitality.

The sun shone bright over the city.
It was almost a whole other town in the sunlight. One of twinkling waters running down the mountain and reflecting their light upon the town.
Much like the night before, the sunlight caught every brass roof and in the unrelenting morning sun they were blinding to look at.
The atmosphere of the town had completely changed as well. News of the Silver-Blood's conspiracy and Madanach had reached the people. With Eltrys as the new captain of the guard and a promise from the Jarl that the town would be once again safe, the people's fears vanished. Now the marketplace which had been abandoned bustled with people who were now anxious to return to normality and put the whole instance behind them.
"Whew. I think we are in for a hot one today." Eltrys said as he brought his hand up shield his eyes. "Well let's get a move on eh? We've got a mountain to scale!"
Weylyn ran ahead of him and padded in the direction of the gate, eager to be out of the city and in the country.

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