"Right!" Barry smacked Joe's arm softly. "Let's go!" He then said to Evelyn as he grabbed his coat.

"Where are we going exactly?" Evelyn asked nervously, but she still followed behind him.

"To my second job."


As they first came in contact with the building the place looked rundown. It looked as if it was going to cave in at any given moment, which made sense to the brunette since a high amount of intense energy exploded within these walls nearly nine months ago. But Evelyn was still wary about entering what was assumed to be and announced to the public, shut down after the incident. Wells lost all his employees along with his respect and admiration from many.

However, all those thoughts of concern about the well-being of the establishment and its questionable sturdy status were soon left behind the moment she stepped foot inside the building. Apart from it's less than appealing appearance from outside these walls, inside was a completely different story. It's futuristic tech and design did wonders for Evelyn, and brought out the child in her. It was always a dream of hers to see S.T.A.R. Labs. She couldn't help but think back to those days on the streets, stealing a specific scientific centered magazine and reading all about the place she wanted to work at one day. This place was like Disney World to her.

"So you work at S.T.A.R. Labs?" Evelyn asked Barry in awe. "I thought this place was shut down?"

"That's what the media and the world thinks. We prefer to operate under the radar you know?" He answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

The brunette was entranced that she wasn't aware that she picked up her pace, leaving her slightly a head of Barry. "Wha- seriously?" A man shouted snapping Evelyn out of her thoughts. The man had brown curly hair that stopped at his shoulders. He sat in one of those spinning chairs behind a desk, a lollipop in one hand. He threw his free hand in the air. "People just keep walking all up in here. We practically fight metas for a living now, and we make all these high-tech equipment, but we can't get a better security system?"

"I-I- I'm so sorry." Evelyn stuttered then thankfully Barry walked in behind her ready to take the heat.

"It's fine. She's with me." Barry spoke on her behalf, and Evelyn's eyes fluttered shut in relief as she released an inaudible breath.

"Oh okay, that's cool then." The man said with smile then went back to carrying on with whatever he was doing before Evelyn waltzed right in.

"Barry..." a woman in a lab coat sighed as she entered the room from wherever she came from. "You can't just bring people in here." The woman obviously didn't approve of Barry's decision to bring someone into the little organization they had set up for themselves. Evelyn understood why she would be the slightest bit disappointed. She doesn't know Evelyn, so it's understandable for her to be concerned about who exactly is being let in on the big secret, especially in terms of knowing their whereabouts.

"It's cool Caitlin, really." Barry pleaded to the other brunette to be okay with it. "She works with me at the CCPD. Even Joe thought it'd be best to let her in." Caitlin thought about it before smiling.

"Okay. If you trust her then we do too." Caitlin told him then turned to Evelyn. "I'm Caitlin Snow." She introduced herself to the woman as she held out her hand for her to take.

"Evelyn Sutton." She replied with a bright grin as she shook Caitlin's hand.

"And I'm Cisco Ramon." He said cockily as he stood up from his seat. He dramatically threw his lollipop in the trash then walked over to the trio at the center of the room. "And welcome to S.T.A.R. Labs." He gestured wildly and yet again dramatically.

"Thanks, I-"

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Ms. Sutton." A new rough voice filled her ears. They all turned toward the hall Evelyn had entered in moments prior. A man with blue eyes and dark jet black hair wheeled into the room. Suddenly, it was like the whole world had silenced in his presence.

"You're Doctor Wells, it's good to see you again." Evelyn said quietly. His stare was intense and just as uncomfortable as the first time she met him. She then remembered why the others looked familiar. They were at the hospital with him on her last visit.

"Mmm." He hummed.

"Uh, I'm actually a huge fan of your work. Your concept on-"

"I would like for you to know that we take our job here very seriously." He said suddenly causing her mouth to glue shut instantly.

"O-Of course. I'm a very professional-"

"And here we work to improve Barry's abilities. So if you're gonna stay, you must be able to and willingly help not hold him back. Barry must reach his full potential. Do you understand?"

Evelyn's throat had become dry with this sudden intense lecture she had received. "Yes, I completely understand." She replied with enough confidence she could muster.

"Great." Was all he said, then wheeled away without so much as a 'nice to meet you' or polite comment in her direction.

"Don't worry about him." Cisco told her sympathetically as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes were still fixed on Wells, but she could feel Cisco's warm smile. "He can be a little intense but he means well."

She wanted nothing more than to believe him, but she couldn't. She doesn't know what it is about Doctor Harrison Wells that just didn't sit well with her. Her time with Leonard taught her how to read people, their intentions, and motives. Wells was a mystery. It was his icy smirk and his eyes. His eyes guarded so many lies. She couldn't even begin to explain it, but he gave off these bad vibes.

There was something off about Harrison Wells.

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