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Louis pointed his sword to Legoshi.
"Now you'll disappear with the morning due. Along with the withering me." Legoshi got off stage and Louis held his hand out to me. I took it and he gently pulled be into a hug.
"It's okay, you're alright now." He assured and after he kissed me as the lights went off and the curtains were closed. I wiped my mouth and looked at Louis who returned my gaze.

"Sorry. I had to do something." I apologised to him and walked off to the gardening club.


"Hey Haru!" I called walking to her as she fertilised her plants. I was annoyed that Legoshi didn't talk to me after her, it didn't matter. I was mad at him anyways.
"Y/n! You're on the front page!" She said shoving the paper into my hands. I looked at it. Legoshi, Louis, Bill and I were on the front page. I looked down to the paragraph and the first thing I saw was 'girl power' which made me smile. At least now the play isn't entirely boy saves girl. There was some girl saves boy villan action.

"When am I not on front page?" I joked. "Ah, the kissing scene is on here too. I can't believe Louis kissed me, I hate him and he hates me. I would've thought he wouldn't kiss me voluntarily as improvisation. Well, maybe he just did it for the love story."
"All the girls think you're lucky, they're all jealous." A hint of annoyance and jealousy lingered in her voice, is she sleeping with Louis too?
"I'm not lucky, I had to kiss Bill and Louis in that play. Totally gross."

"Look on the bright side, at least you're now 10x more famous."
"Thing is, I don't want to be famous. I'm just in acting for the moment. Not for the clout." My phone dinged, a message from Louis. 'meet me outside the theatre in 5 minutes.'

"Sorry Haru I've got to go. Louis wants to meet me." I quickly run down the stairs to get there on time. When I made it Bill and Legoshi were standing there in front of Louis.

"What's up?" I asked casually.
"The improvisation." Louis glared at them coldly.
"Oh yeah that." As a leader of the acting club just like Louis I tried to scold them even though this improvisation made it so much better.

"What were you thinking?" I said. But Louis did the rest for me since I'm not good at confrontation.
"How do you expect to apologise for all of that?"
"um well. I don't know." Bill mumbled shrugging his shoulders but still looking as miserable as Legoshi. "where do you think I should start?"
"The problem is that 2 of you, a couple of monsters who lost their senses tainted the stage with blood as if you owned it! If I or Y/n wasn't there to break it up would you have actually killed eachother?!" Louis shouted and I nodded my head, not knowing what to say. "you're both savages as far as I'm concerned. As actor's team lead, I'm suspending you from drama club until further notice. Don't bother showing up to rehearsals tomorrow."

The two of them gasped and I was just annoyed that I had the same status as Louis in drama club and socially but he didn't ask my opinion. Louis continued telling them off and Bill suddenly whispered.
"Behind you." I actually listened to Bill and saw the group of girls and the pr department girl trying to get information for the school paper. I tapped Louis shoulder and he turned around.

"Sorry to bother you! I'm from the PR department! And I would like to interview you regarding the performance. Is now a good time?" She asked followed by a crowd of squealing fangirls. As Louis told the other 2 what to do I went to go talk to the girls as a desperate attempt to get away from him.

A lot of them asked for a selfie like I was a celebrity, it would be rude if I said no.

Louis started improvising the idea of what happened in the play. He's full of shit.

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