cherryton high

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author's note- I am not a furry.

furthermore, i wrote this a long time back and i will be making edits to it.

As a human, I was weaker than a lot of carnivores but stronger than most herbivores and omnivores. People found me interesting, because I was the only human they've ever seen or heard of, I'm the only known human on earth. Not as cool as you think it is, some people on the street just stare at me like what fucking species is that? Let me tell you, none your fucking buisness, now stop looking at me.

Since I was the only human ever to exist, people were desperate to try the way I tasted since I was the rarest, ever, and I'm pretty healthy (double win). Which meant when I was in an orphanage I was taken up quickly by a panda called Gohin before I could be taken by someone working for the black market. Who was the most intimidatingly nice person I've ever met, but over time he got less scary, except for when he's mad, kind of.

I wouldn't have been able to make it through the 1st year if it wasn't for my dad and the drama club, there's something about being in the spotlight and being someone I'm not, not the loser human anymore am I right? Although, I hate the attention I got after the show, it mainly wasn't for my talent but for my looks. People were nice to me, showing genuine instrest since I'm a human. Soon it got old and no one really cared. But in general, I was basically the same status as Louis in popularity and love for both boys and girls. I have a really good chance of being the next beastar, which I don't mind if I end uo becoming.

I sat down by myself at a table and ate my food quietly, I hate healthy food, so instead I was eating candy. A white dwarf rabbit asked if she could sit with me and I nodded, without knowing who she was.
"So, what's your name?" I asked, mouth full of candy.
"I'm... Haru." She said slightly confused and surprised.
"Why so surprised? Are you like famous and popular or something?" I smirked.
"Uh, no. I'm nobody special. Thanks for letting me sit with you. If anything I was scared to ask since you're so popular because you're a star in the drama club."
"Oh no." I chuckled. "Everyone knows I'm the only human known on this planet, and um I don't have any friends but that's because my social skills aren't very good, or I just get too scared to make friends."
"So you're infamous?"

"Yeah. Are you new here?" I asked curiously.
"No, why?"
"I've never seen you and people don't talk to me, unless they're flirting, or asking me for some thing stupid like the time or the homework. So if you're not new, what's your highschool story?" I quesitoned and she shifted uncomfortably. "If you're not comfortable with saying anything it's totally cool."
"It's okay. I'm the only member of the gardening club."
"That's it?"
"Well, no."

"I get it, you're not okay with me asking. Just... forget I asked. Do you want to go eat outside? It's too loud in here." I suggested, looking at everyone around us.
"That's fine with me." She agreed and we picked up our food and sat outside, where there was no one.

"Would you, um... like to be friends? You seem kinda cool. Sorry if this makes it awkward." I said nervously, popping my knuckles since it was a habit.
"Don't worry about it. I thought we were friends already." She gave me a beaming smile which was heart warming. I saw three animals walking towards us.
"Ugh, here she comes." Haru grunted, were they going to bully her? I knew they were the 3 bitchy girls run by that rabbit.

"Wow, I'm impressed. The whole school's ignoring you and yet you sit here still so strong Haru." The harley-quinn rabbit teased. "A little risky wouldn't you say? For a bunny rabbit like you to sit here after that student was devoured like your lunch."
I frowned at her from behind Haru.
"And suddenly the food doesn't taste so good." Haru mumbled throwing her spoon in her soup and standing up. "Rather than spreading rumours about me, maybe concentrate getting back together with your boyfriend." Haru said, making me snicker.

"Huh? Who do you think you are?! None of that is-" She started only to get interupted by Haru.
"Actually he's the one who kissed me. Besides a guy that gets excited over one little kiss, kinda tells you something doesn't it? Excuse me." She tried to walk past the rabbit but she nudged her so she'd fall on the ground from the little ledge.
"Hey!" I shout standing up and punching her in the face. Sometimes I watched my dad beating people up and I kind of picked aome of it up. I see a bucket in one of the girl's hands that she was about to thrown on me so I floor her quickly and stamp on her stomach. I look to the third girl with a snarl. "Don't you try anything, we both know humans are stronger than cats."

I jump down to Haru, help her up and the other 3 run away.
"That was brave of you, I wish I was as cool as you and stand up to her with words. You're so cool, Haru. Those words really made her mad." I complimented her as she dusted herself off. "I bet she's going to spread rumours about me now." I sighed looking towards them running around a corner.
"Thanks." She mumbled, clearly annoyed with me.
"Why are they spreading rumours about you?" I interrogated raising one of my eyebrows.
"Are you sure you don't know, everyone in the school knows. Are you just trying to humiliate me?" She replied frustratedly putting her hands on her hips.
"I wouldn't do something like that, Haru! No one tells me this stuff!"
"Ask someone else, just not me." She groaned.
"Sorry for asking, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Can I make it up to you? Can I help out in the gardening club to apologise?" I've just made a friend and I'm already messing this up.

"Well, there is one thing. You can help me water some plants tomorrow." She agreed to my request and I sighed in relief, at least she isn't mad at me now.
"Thank you for forgiving me, I guess. I need to go to practice some of my lines. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, bye." She waved at me as I walked away.

I was in the one of the classrooms that were empty, I was there until dark practicing my lines, then I left. I shouldn't be out this late, especially after the incident. I decided to sit by the fountain since no one was there and I wanted to smell the fresh air I didn't normally get since I was inside all day, studying or doing something on the Internet. I sensed something in the mist, I didn't feel safe. Is someone there? Without thinking, I ran and as I was running I was pounced on and I was suddenly being hugged by something furry.

I was paralysed with fear and I was breathing heavily. Why hasn't he eaten me yet?! Is he trying to scare me? I suddenly tried to shake out of his awkward hug. He started growling and I feel his breath on my the back of my head. I eventually was able to run out of his grip, but as I ran his claw scratched my arm.

I ran back to my dorm and collapsed on the floor when I got inside. What just happened? Why didn't he eat me? Well my room mates obviously don't care. I guess I'm left dealing with my injury on my own.

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