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"Need a hand?" is what I heard. I twitched my eyes and moved my head a little backwards in anticipation to see if I was imagining this or if this was real. I held his hand and got myself back onto my feet, straightened my skirt and said "thank you" in a very soft embarrassed voice.

"Don't thank me, you're one of the fastest people to officially get accepted into this school?" When he said that I didn't quite know what that meant, but I took that as a compliment. I got myself presentable and introduced myself, "I'm Avni", and he laughed back in a very cute way and said "I'm James, nice to meet ya." I smiled back and said "I should get going, I don't want to be late on the first day" he said "yeah sure, I'll walk you to your class". 

He dropped me off to my class and I had never felt so comforted in such a new environment before. As the day progressed I got to talking to my new classmates, but I couldn't wait for recess till I could go back out and meet James, get a better look at him. He had something about him that made me want to talk to him even more. 

It was a pity I didn't get so see him again that day, but as soon as I reached home, I rang Sophia's doorbell, I didn't wait for her to completely open the door, I just barged inn, and told her about how I was going to love my new school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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