
Start from the beginning

When I heard the song that we finished last, the one that Christopher gave the first words to, I realized that must be exactly how he's feeling for Rosa. He had told us before that Sav broke up with him and she told him to get Rosa back. I'm torn inside, because I like Rosa and in a way I want to be with her. But then I see Christopher, someone who I consider one of my brothers who loves her too, who loves her first. God knows they are endgame and that's that.

I walked over to Christopher who was sitting alone looking out the window. When I sat next to him, I heard he was lightly crying. He noticed I was next to him and he wiped away the tears.

"Bro, I'm not in the mood please leave me alone," He said without looking at me, but I didn't move.

"I just want to say I'm sorry, about what I ever said about Rosa. Whatever I did with her. I realized after the last song how you really feel about her." He took a deep breath and looked at me. He looked miserable. I can tell he's really really worried.

"I promise I won't get in the way of you two anymore. You should be together, I see that now. Tu y ella, eso es final. Eres mi hermano primero, por siempre." I smiled and he nodded.

"I just hope she's okay." I nodded and he lightly cried again. I pat his shoulder in attempt to show my support, then he asked me to leave me alone. I moved back to my previous seat and sighed in relief.

Christopher's POV

Once we got to the hospital, Clara was walking ahead and asked the receptionist where Rosalie was. The receptionist guided us to the 3rd floor and that's where we went.

When we got near her room I saw someone who I didn't expect to see.

"Adrienne?" She was sitting on a chair in front of one of the rooms. She had a bandage around her head but other than that she didn't show any signs of anything else wrong with her.

"Christo," She ran over and hugged me. "Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, I just hit my head causing a small bump, it was bleeding a while ago but I feel fine. But, Rose.." Her eyes shed a tear and I wiped it away. Please no, let my Rosie be okay. I felt a hand on my back and saw it was Richard.

"Is she okay?" I tried to ask her, feeling very hopeful. She kept taking deep breaths from her cries before she managed to talk again.

"The hit was on her side, she took it bad. She broke her leg and her head was hit pretty hard. The doctors put her in surgery straight away, it was done around 20 minutes ago and they had just put her in this room but she's still unconscious." She cried and I hugged her again.

"Shh, it'll be okay. She'll be okay." I had always been close with her when Rosie and I used to date so it was not a weird sight to see me comforting my sister-in-law, that's how I always see Adrienne.

"Right, so I guess you'll be waiting here?" She asked after she let go from my arms. "Of course, I'll be here with you, waiting for her." She smiled lightly.

I went over to the boys and Clara. "How's Rosa?" Joel was the first to ask. I heard what he said in the van clearly and I'm glad he decided to back off. He should know by now Rosie will always be mine.

"Adrienne said she got out of surgery 20 minutes ago but the doctors are still keeping a close eye on her. She broke her leg and hit her head hard. They're all hopeful she'll make a full recovery but she's still unconscious. Guys I want to wait for her here." They all sighed and Clara nodded.

"Of course, I think we'll all stay, right boys?" Clara asked the rest and they all nodded.

"Gracias chicos." They all patted my back. I know how they all feel about Rosie, and about her being with me. I'm glad they can stay here, I can use the support.

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