Chapter Twenty-Four: Rebel Thorns

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 He was beginning to regret his decision. Bringing Sunshine to meet them? Was he high or something?

Coen drives through the gate to turn around, trying to get away before it was too late. A bullhorn went off, echoing off of the brick building and skate ramp. Coen sighed, too late.

"What was that?" Sunshine asked nervously.

"Idiots," Coen answered.

The car pulled beside the old warehouse. He stepped out of the Jeep for Sunshine to meet him at the door. Coen's knuckles barely scraped the metal door when it was yanked open.

Standing there was Diesel, with blonde hair gelled into spikes. His wide startling blue eyes filled wild the craziness of the kid he was. His grin borderline impish. He was usually posted at the door to ward off the unwanted trespassers on Rebel land.

"Hey everyone! Coen's here!" Coen could hear other voices pick up within the warehouse.

Diesel stepped aside, discovering and watching Sunshine with wonder. For a bone-thin thirteen-year-old kid, he had a lot of spunk. The gang had found him under a bridge and decided to take him in. They found the warehouse and brought him there to live. They brought him food and any warm clothes they could find.

The gang sat in the makeshift living room, all turned toward the entrance. They all made remarks on the last time they saw him when they noticed Tabby, clinging to Coen's arm.

Coen soon realized that through her eyes he walked them into a room full of ruffians.

"Ah. Sunshine, these are my friends and gang. That's Jasper, Hames, Theo, Shaye and you met Diesel."

Sunshine raised a hand as a shy hello. "Hi."

From the edge of-of his vision, Coen could see Hames slip on his sunglasses.

"Well don't just stand there like you're awkward, come in and sit," Jasper suggested. He flashed a smile, light shining in his blue-green eyes.

Coen slowly walked them towards the couch. The pair sat on the worn-out love seat and faced the group.

"So is your name really Sunshine?" Hames asked. For fifteen, his voice was still breaking but only a little. His long auburn hair moved from his shoulders to frame his face.

Sunshine smiled, "no. That's what he calls me. My name is Tabitha."

Theo, who was leaning back on the couch, added, "close enough to give nicknames, huh? Makes it sound like you two are dating."

Coen tried to suppress a smirk as he looked down at Sunshine who was blushing.

"Holy shit you are!" Diesel shouted.

Shaye launched herself onto the arm of the love seat and punched Coen's arm.

"Ouch! What the hell Shaye!" Coen yelped.

"Why didn't we know about this sooner, hm?" She kept punching his arm, her short black hair moving with her. Her narrowed almond eyes framed in her black-rimmed glasses. He tried to get away from her by leaning farther into Sunshine. "Are you too good for us, huh?"

"Alright! Alright! I give! There was too much going on at the time," Coen explained. "And I wasn't sure you guys were going to let me in again, after last time."

Shaye rolled her eyes, "of course we were. You're still one of us, you just had a rough patch of dipshit decisions."

"And you're the one who helped me, why are you freaking out?" Sunshine asked.

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