Chapter 21

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Two weeks later, Reid and I were woken up at around 6AM by a call from Hotch.

"Hello?" Reid said groggily.

"We have a case, you and Jo get down to the office immediately."

"Okay, we'll be there in ten," Reid said, suddenly wide awake.

"New case?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yup," Reid started, kissing me on the forehand, "he said it's urgent."

We both got out of bed simultaneously.

"Do you know what it's about?" I asked as I began brushing my teeth.

"Not a clue," Reid sponded from the bedroom, beginning to get dressed.

As I peeked through the bathroom door, I glanced at Reid's body as he took his shirt off. Something about the way he began changing and undressing himself gave me butterflies. Even now, when we had been dating for practically a year.

"What're you staring at?" Reid asked with a smirk.

"You," I said smiling.

"Why do you have to make me feel all excited right when we have to leave?" He asked, a slightly sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Because," I said, walking towards him and planting a kiss on his lips.

"We better get going," he said as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "or else I don't think we'll ever leave."


When we arrived at the BAU, everyone was already in the conference room, awaiting our arrival.

"Sorry we're late," I said, sitting down next to Emily.

Reid just gave his classic tight lipped smile and sat down next to me.

"No sweat, you're just on time," Garcia started. "Over the past two weeks five girls in their late twenties have all gone missing in Sedona, Arizona. At first, their family had just assumed they had moved away or got a new job, but the local PD saw a similarity in victimology."

"Which is?" I asked.

"Age, gender, physical appearance, really almost everything. Each victim did not live a super wealthy lifestyle, mostly middle class and some a little below. According to their families, they were all the type to not contact the family or their friends for months on end."

"So why are we being called in?" JJ began, "If they know the similarities in victimology, what do they need us for?

"Because," Garcia pressed a button, an image appearing on the screen, "yesterday, 28 year old Sarah Whitecoff was found dead in the middle of the town park. She was one of the missing girls."

"Do we know the COD?" Rossi asked.

"Yes, the M.E. said the cause of death was suffocation by drowning."

"Drowning?"  Reid asked.

"Yes, according to the M.E., he would attack them, hitting them in the head, causing severe blunt force trauma, and as soon as they'd wake up, he'd drown them.

"Okay so this guy wants them to suffer," Morgan added.

"Clearly, if he is drowning them, there is probably some sort or trauma he went through in his life," Reid pointed out, "Typically, most serial killers kill because of their sexual desire to do so, however in this case it seems as though he is actually killing just to kill, indicating that he is most likely looking to seek revenge on someone or something."

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