Katie's truth revealed pt:2

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No ones pov:

No one knew what to do. Why had Katie not told anyone what she was doing and why she was feeling like this and Katie was wondering how she was so careless and let everyone find out.

Katie was the first to come out the the shock and she got up and bolted as fast as she could down the stairs and out the the house, she could here her name coming from everyone else as they were getting over the shock.

Aiden and Alexa were the first ones to come to terms with what was going on and they bolted after Katie trying to catch up with her not knowing that she was a fast runner when it came to people knowing about her feelings. Aiden was wishing that she had spoke to him and let him help her when she needed it and Alexa was wondering what else could be worse than all this that Katie has gone through.

Alexa loves Katie like her sister and knew that Katie didn't talk about her feelings that much but never did she think that she would do this, she thought Katie knew that she could come to her if something like this was going on or even before it got to this point.

Katie had now reached where she calls her safe space, no one knows where this place is other than Cameron when she brought him there the time Alexa was home early and Cameron had come to see her, Katie was now beginning to feel light headed and faint due to the amount of blood she has lost, Katie knew that the supplies in the tunnel weren't enough this time and that she may have to go to hospital. She didn't want it to get this far but she was tired of trying to fight herself everyday and eventually gave in to the temptations and let her body do what's needed to keep calm.

Lori pov :

I love Katie like a second daughter I can't actually believe what I'm seeing, Katie knows that she can talk to me about anything just as she can with her mom. Jennifer is sat on the floor in the bathroom sobbing and not moving. Dave ran after Alexa and Aiden to see if they can find Katie, I don't think he wants to realise what's happening as he has only just got home and not known what's gone on throughout the day which I would have told him so he knew what was going to happen. I don't know what I can do spencer is trying to reach Katie by her cell phone and also trying to reassure Jennifer that she will be ok and Katie is the strongest person we have ever known. I don't know what I can do I feel pretty useless right know. Katie always talks about a happy place that only her and Cameron know about she is probably there Calming down but I know she needs to be in the hospital right now to get those cuts looked at. I need to ring Katie's aunt so I can talk to Cameron.
" hey lily, Yea I'm doing ok, things are tough right now Katie isn't doing well, it's the reason I've called actually is there a chance that Cameron can talk to me, yea I'll wait thank you"
" hi Aunty Lori I miss you"
" hi Cameron I have a question for you"
"Am I coming home to live with mommy because the answer is yes"

My heart melted at the way he was getting excited about living with his mom and having everyone around him.

" it's not quite that but when you come to visit mommy where is your special place that she takes you too"
" that's a secret aunt Lori" Cameron said laughing
" I know but I need to find mommy she ran off and I'm worried can you just tell me and I won't tell nobody"
" yes aunt Lori is mommy upset does she want me back and it's in a tunnel next to the old putt putt course by the lake"
" don't worry Cameron I'll find mommy and you can come home and spend all the time you want with her"
" ok aunt Lori oh and Aunty lily wants to talk to you"
" hey lily I know that you have questions but I promise that I'll ring you later I'm concerned for Katie's safety right now"
"Yes that's fine just let me know if I need to come over with Cameron on a flight we will be right there"
" I know you will be I'll speak to you later bye"

Now I know where Katie is I'm going to go and get her and bring her home, let's hope that Katie is sensible enough to think about Cameron in this situation and not go running away.
No ones pov:

About half an hour later Lori found the tunnel that Cameron told her about on the phone and started to shout Katie's name through the tunnel using her phone light as she went further in. Coming to a middle with two paths she tried to think what Katie would do in this situation but then she heard a sobbing Katie and ran towards the noise not really sure if she is going to like what she finds when she sees Katie but knowing that she can call the search off and tell them all to go home is a relief for everyone. Lori saw a figure in the distance knowing it was Katie and gently approached with soft words.
"Katie it's Lori don't be scared ok I'm here to help you"
Lori kept repeating it as she got closer not knowing how Katie would react she sat down next to her and waited for Katie to realise she was there. Lori lent in closer to Katie trying to calm the girl down. But Katie fell into lori's arms with a sob breaking Lori's heart seeing Katie like this

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