Truth part 1

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Alexa pov:
These past few days I have avoided Katie and suggested to my parents that we move into the new house to get away from her this weekend. I keep listening to Katie's voicemail and she sounds worried and devastated. I really want to call her and tell her everything but I know That's what will break her and how can I tell her my families biggest secret which is the reason we are moving to a bigger place.
What should I tell Katie ? I don't want to hurt her but I also can't tell her the truth.
When I get back to school on Monday I know there is going to be so many questions that I can't answer from Katie. I could ask mom to let me have the day off but then I will also be missing school work and this is an important year. I can't lie it has been weird not talking to Katie for a few days but at the same time it's been an eye opener on how much I have depended on her this past few years. But the thing is I haven't even told Spencer what's going on either, so right now I don't have anyone to talk to expect my parents and Lucas but it isn't that easy. We are going back to our old house next to Katie's tomorrow and I'm going to need to find the perfect lie to tell her so she doesn't get suspicious.

For all the time I've known Katie I'm so surprised I haven't slipped up and told her the secrets of my family. But as it's going to get closer to the truth I might need to ask my mom what I should do and if I'm allowed to tell the truth now.

"MOM" I shouted " I need to talk to you"
"What's up Alexa" mom said
"What should I tell Katie when we get back because we both know she will have questions" I questioned
"I think it's time for her to know some off the truth it's up to you how much she knows about you, but I have to admit Jennifer knows everything and why we are moving" mom said understandingly
"Wait so Jennifer knows all about Bella and Jackson and you didn't tell me how come and she knows we are moving because of it"  I replied shocked

So let me catch you up Jackson is my older brother as well as Lucas, Jackson was off with grandma in California, but mom thinks it's time for him to come home we always call and see each other when we can but he also wants to come home and see us more. As for Bella she is my daughter she is 1 year old and is also with grandma in California. I know what your thinking I got pregnant in freshman year but it was due to being raped no one knows about it not even Katie. I managed to hide my pregnancy from Katie due to being in California for the last 3 months and I stayed there for another 2 months after Bella was born. I miss Bella and when she calls me mom it's a special feeling. I didn't tell Katie because I didn't know what her reaction would be. But the reason we are moving to for a bigger house so both Jackson and Bella can come home. Now it's just telling Katie some things and not the whole truth. It can't be that hard can it?

My best friend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora