Chapter 2: A Proper Introduction

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Oh shit.
"Uhh, Georgie Riley?" I stammered. Everyone who wasn't staring before was now. Stupid accent. I grew up in Australia, and moved the United States two years ago. My accent was still 100% intact and I still sounded like I crawled off of Bondi Beach. That, and I still swore atrociously. The woman who questioned me before referred to a roll on a clipboard in front of her. She was dressed immaculately, greying dusky brown hair perfectly neat with not a strand out of place. She was somewhat aged, I would guess fifties perhaps, but had the air of ordered youth of her. If that even makes sense. Striking blue eyes snapped to look in mine.
"I have a Georgina Riley, which I assume is you." I winced at the use of my full name.
"Yep." I replied through gritted teeth.
"Good. Welcome, and congratulations on your scholarship here at Cedar Ridge Equestrian Academy. I see you are a junior, and have your horse in tow. My name is Mrs Walter and I am head of junior and senior years. I am afraid the headmistress was unavailable to meet all of the new and returning students this morning, however I am sure she will meet you in person at a later date. Here is your paperwork, including your schedule, dorm assignment and card, as well as your key and your horse's stabling information." Mrs Walter handed me a plastic sleeve with all of my new found school stuff. I couldn't help but feel dismayed at the mention of stabling. I mean, Nemo loves stables, but he was paddock almost 100% of the time at home. I hate stabling horses 24/7. I made a mental note to talk to the barn manager or something about it. Mrs Walter looked at me dismissively, and I turned and walked myself and Nemo back towards out trailer to give myself a chance to recuperate. I trudged back along the gravel parking lot towards O'neils' shady trailer my horse and paperwork in tow.
I tied Nemo and sat down on the trailer next to him. He did his best to try and slobber all over the paperwork, but his attention was quickly diverted to the fresh haynet my dad left out for him. I loved the goober so much, but I didn't really need his DNA all over my important papers. I attended the actual interesting stuff first, Nemo's stabling information. He was in stall number 12. I peered around at the manicured grounds to search for the stables. A huge, old style stone barn stood slightly downhill from the parking lot, with a gravel path leading down the hill into the towering wooden sliding doors. It was absolutely stunning. I was pleased to see a number of decent sized paddocks spread out around the stables, whitewashed fences in perfect condition. A few of the paddocks had what I assume was school horses picking at the lush grass afoot. Holy shit, this place was like a dream.
I focused my attention to my silly grey gelding, munching away.
"Alright buddy, it's bootcamp time. These horses are all super talent and you sometimes can hold yourself in a frame. It happened, like, once but we gotta replicate some results. Consistency is key!" He ignored me. Hay was far more interesting than my inspirational words. I sighed. Flipping to the next page, was my schedule. Boring school stuff. At least I got to pick almost all my subjects, a perk of being a junior and not a freshman. The grounds were huge, all done in old style stonework. I flicked to dorm assignments. I had two other roommates, in dorm 302. Bloody stairs. I desperately wanted to investigate the dorms and dump my stuff somewhere, but not as badly as I wanted to investigate the stables!

So this is my first time writing publicly. I've been told I have a knack for it, and I absolutely love those stupid cheesy horse academy stories so I thought I'd try writing it! Please give me feedback - I'm looking to improve my skills and write a fun story at the same time.

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