chapter 2: lee is a misogynistic binch!!

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dear diary,

today lee was being a little sexist asshole 😾

once again, milky clitten asked a weird dick related question to the gc. 'do guys accidentally shit on their dicks while they are hanging around?' 'do dicks curve backwards?' lee and bhaia established that dicks do not get accidentally shit on or curve backwards. however, lee was very judgy and attacking the girls for wanting to know about dicks, when this boy had no problem asking about vaginas. 'oh i feel uncomfortable talking about penis!!' well how do u think we felt when you gave us a full VIDEO TUTORIAL on how to rub pussy?( sorry lee love u dont be sad)

n e ways, point is that lee was refusing to answer our questions on penis simply bc we have vagina. thats pretty sexist. mans is like 'oh why do u need to know about penis' then why do u need to know if vagina gets itchy hm? dont u have your medical books for that 😒

then after the girls all attacked him, he simply disappeared. we all apologised bc we were being kinda mean but yeah ❤

also then milky asked if lee or bhaia had ever swung their dick around like a helicopter and lee refused to answer, which means he clearly has. once again, my statement that i learn something new about lee everyday was proven correct as we also learnt he has read a book very aptly named 'the penis book'. how lovely 

-your number 1 aparna hater, rickshaw (fr tho fuck aparna)

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