meet the peeps

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this book is about the wonderful adventures of the sinep gc

all true stories!! but names changed :)

warning: lots of not very child friendly language

meet the people:

-milky clitten
probably gonna be mentioned a lot as she is a ✨idiot✨. the horniest and most 'crackhead energy' (i hate saying that but theres really no other way to put it). a simp for harry styles but alhamdulilah no longer a simp for timtam chlamydia. is the whitest in the gc, half new zealand and half south african. got a 2/6 on the kinsey scale (gay test)

created the gc, a fellow pen15 luvr and hates babies n children (very smart and sexc of her to do that). she understands me ❤. kpop fan!! a paki. got a 2/6 on kinsey scale

 very gay, we have several instances an lots of proof no matter how much he denies it. loves babies n children (not smart and sexc at all of him to do that). a questionable boy, i learn something new about him everyday. but overall very cool, probably the only boy in our school that know how to do his hair and dress. kpop fan!! bengali (very cool). got a 1/6 on kinsey scale

the embodiment of colour yellow! is the reason why i am lesbanese ❤ loves babies n children (questionable why but its ok shes still hot) a people person. kpop fan!! lebo but not a 'lek wallah cuz 😂' lebo (thank god). got a 0/6 on kinsey scale (guys do u think she was lying when she said i could come over after i asked 2 fuck 😿)

a mystery. tallest in the gc, and this ungrateful binch wants to be taller. the highest honour you can ever receive is gayfiya liking your message. i have a gayfiya like count of 7 😎 ( charmander has 29 lucky girl) kpop fann!! indonesian. got a 0 on the kinsey test, sad as i am in love with her

-the hottest and sexiest man on earth. i have biggest phattest crush on him. oldest and biggest brain. smooth as hell, has all the ladies in his dms. he is the sickest cunt i know 🤒. from fiji! (fake desi smh) got a 0/6 on kinsey scale, oddly straight.

ngl i forgot she was in the gc. but very hot girl indeed. half arab and half india (fancy). never did the kinsey test but i bet shes a 0.

-rickshaw (me!)
idk i kinda suck lol. shortest in the group (please im starting a gofundme to get some more height pls donate) kpop fan!! am bengali, and a 2 on the kinsey scale

im sorry these suck

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