Chapter one

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I watched the sun set over the trees. The wind slightly blowing making little waves in the to tall grass. This was my favorite spot. A spot where I could be by myself and not have to worry about anything. The wind blew again causing my really long black hair to go across my pale round face. I walked down to the edge of the lake and watched the remaining sun reflecting it. I have always loved the sun, but I do not love it as much as I love the moon. The moon made me feel happy. Made me feel like I had all the power in the world.

It is dark now and the stars are starting to glow. I can hear all the birds make their way to there homes. I was happy on this day. Till it got quiet. Much to quiet, and as if on cue. My entire life shattered at the sound of blood curdling screams. My heart skipped a beat as I ran toward them. My heart now in my throat as I ran. Please. Goddess no, please no. I silently prayed nearly tripping over my feet. I came up the hill to a house. My house. When I reached the door the screams stop. Even though I knew they were dead. I still prayed that maybe they missed one. I reached the door knob and I could smell their blood even before I opened the door. When I opened the door I saw blood splattered over the white walls of our living room. Blood. THEIR BLOOD. It was everywhere. On the couch that my sister's mate had just bought her. Over their t.v., the floors, even in the kitchen there was blood, but their bodies were no-where to be found. I sank to my knees. Trying to hold in my screams, holding back my tears and trying to gain control of my anger. The girls! I silently whispered as I got to my feet and headed for the stairs. I heard steps upstairs. He is still here. That fucking baster is going to die. I thought as I charged upstairs to my nieces room. I stopped at their doors and heard their soft whines. My heart jumping for joy that they were not dead. I opened the door and rushed towards them. The twins look at me with their beautiful dark brown eyes. They are only two months old now, and now thanks to that bastard they have no parents. Only me. I heard the door close behind me and jumped to face the man who has been trying ot ruin my life since the day I was born. His similar black hair fell just above his dark brown eyes. The same eyes as mine. We were the same but completely different. In fact the only way you could tell us apart was by our personalities and the fact that I was a female and he was male. I hate this man who looks like me. Just as much as this man hates me. It has always been this way. Since the day our mother died, and had left everything to me and my sister. We stared at each other without speaking. I didn't dare move from where I was. I would not lose the only thing I had left.

"Octavius you bastard how could you she was our sister!! She has children!" I spoke first hoping to distracted him so that I could find I way out and get the twins to safety. I could kill him but if I die in the process then the twins have nothing. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me an smirked. Oh how I would love to punch the smirk off his damned face.

"That bitch has no relation to me you fool." Still smirking. "Just as you are not related to me. You filty bitch! You deserve nothing!" He screamed. "And you will have nothing!" He lunged forward at me, grabbing me by the throat. "Now I'm going to have you watch me kill them both before your eyes and watch as you helplessly try and save their pathetic little lives! And I will laugh as you realize you failed and that you have nothing left. Then I will kill you." Struggling to breathe I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed all my weight on him. Making him fall on the floor and releasing his hold on my throat. "You will not touch them! They have done nothing to you Octavius! I will not let you kill them!" I punched him a couple of times before and could regain the upper hand again. His eye started to glow green. He was losing control of his demon. I knew this. Still didn't stop me from manifesting two silver daggers and plunging one into his right leg causing him to fall again. While he was down again I plunged the other into his back. This wasn't enough to kill him but it was enough to get me and the twin out of here. He tried reaching for me as he was on the floor he grunted and moaned in pain. I didn't waste anymore time. I turned and grabbed the twins in each arm and ran towards the door. He grabbed my ankle and made me trip causing me to drop Mira. She hit the corner of the rocking chair. She started bleeding and crying and I knew it would leave a scar. I was still holding on to Fira, but hearing her sister cry made her cry too. Kicking Octavious in the face I got up and quickly grabbed Mira and opened the door and ran off into the night. Not stopping to stop the cries of my nieces. Not stopping to look back to see if Octavius had followed. There was no going back. Only moving forward because I, Aria De' lacruez vow that no-one and I do mean no-one will harm these twins that I hold dear to my heart and no-one will stop me from killing Octavious. I vow to become the most powerful demonic witch that anyone will ever meet. I will even become more powerful than the fearsome demon king himself. No-one is going to get in my way. I will no longer live in fear...


I made changes to the story. Sorry if there is anything miss spelled. I suck at writing but I enjoy it a lot and I know that makes no sense but whatever. Enjoy, comment, vote, fan, and wait patiently for an update.


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