Chapter Three

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I waved to the girls as I dropped them off at school. They gave me their sweetest smiles and waved back and turned and headed inside. I sighed. I hate leaving them alone. It always gives me anxiety. I know they can fend for themselves...I've trained them to protect themselves if I weren't there. I believe in them, but I don't not trust anyone else. As I came to a red light I pulled out my cell phone and called my best friend, Alethea. She answered. "Aye, what's up?" "Hey, Nothing much. I am on my way to you're house. We need to talk." I could sense her worry. "Uh oh...about what?" She asked. "Nothing bad I swear. Just gossip...kinda." She laughed. "You're in trouble again aren't you"' She continued to laugh. "Since when have I never been in trouble?" I said. "That's true. You are always in trouble. Come in when you get here." She hung up the phone. She hung up on me. So rude I said to myself and laughed. As I pulled in to her drive way she stood in the door waiting for me. "You drive slow." she laughed. I stuck out my tongue at her. We walked in to the kitchen and she pulled down two mugs from her dark wood cabinets. She handed me one and poured the coffee. "So what do you want to talk about." She asks as she sits across from me. I looked at her. "Do you know a man named Conner Hamilton?" She raised her eyebrow and moved a piece of her dark red hair out of her face. She has always had the best hair ever since the day I first met her. I remember that day well. I couldn't forget.


It was four years ago. The day Octavius killed my sister and her mate. After I had left the house with the twins. I was still moving forward. The twins lay sleeping in my arms. I hugged them closer to my body making sure they stayed warm. In the distance I could make out head lights. When the car reached me it stopped. A woman about the same age as me hopped out. "Are you okay?" she asks me. I said nothing and just stared at her. Not sure if I could trust her. She was average build with long dark red hair that went passed her shoulders that framed her round face and although it was dark my demon eyes could still see in any kind of light. She had big brown eyes just like me, and I could see she had freckles spread across her face. She smiled at me. "I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help. My name is Alethea Marie Cambridge. My house isn't too far away...and it's about to rain. It would not be good for the babies to be out in it. Let me help you." She seemed sincere but I still wasn't sure. As if on cue it started raining. I sighed looking down at my nieces. I nodded and we got in her car. "Thank you." I told her after many long minutes of awkward silence. She nodded but continued driving. After a while we pulled in to her drive way and she motioned for me to follow her inside. She gave me a towel and I dried off the girls. After I dried them off I wrapped them up and let them sleep peacefully. And went back down the stairs to Alethea. She was at her table with two mugs. She looked at me and handed me a mug. "Here, this is for you." I took the mug and sat down and looked at the mug. Alethea was staring at me. I could tell out of the corner of my eye that she was waiting for me to say something. I looked up and stared back at her. "My name is Aria Fae De'lacruez. The two little ones are Mira Anne Carney and Fira May Carney. I'm their aunt." She smiled. "It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind me being so forward and nosy but...what happened to you? Why were you walking on the side of the road?" I sighed and explained everything that happened. I expected her to fear for life and kick us out but instead she smiled at me. "Well you are welcome here for as long as you need too. I'll help you with whatever. Me and you. We are going to be best friends. I'll help you protect the girls. You don't have to fight him alone. And I'm not taking no for an answer you have no say so in the matter. Welcome to my home Aria." I smiled at her and hugged her. "Thank you!" I said.

-End of flash back.

Alethea snapped me back into reality. "You were spacing out again." I looked at her and stuck out my tongue. "What was I saying...oh yes! I asked you about Conner Hamilton. Do you know him?" She sipped her coffee. "No, I don't believe I do. What about him? Is he cute?" She questioned me. I glared at her. "Please keep your mind out of the gutter for just a bit this is important Alethea, but he was kind of handsome." I said and winked at her. She laughed at me. Taking another sip of my coffee I told her about Conner Hamilton and how he showed up at my door. "He told me he works for the king." I continued. "The king apparently has summoned me to his court for a little chat." Her eyes got wide. "Why does he want to see you? Are you going?" She got up from the table and walked to the fridge. "I have no clue and I don't intend to find out. I declined. I mean he didn't even ask me nicely. He may be the king and all but I don't like being summoned like some kind of dog." I got up as well and help her make some sandwiches. When we sat back down Alethea looked at me. "But didn't Conner say if you decline the king would seek you out personally? what will you do if he does?" She question me as she took a bite of her food. I took a bite of mine as well and thought. "He did say that. But I am still not going. I'm a busy woman. And I'm not leaving the girls alone just to bow to his demands. Besides the king is to busy to pay any kind of attention to someone like me." She glared at me. "Someone like you? Woman you are not just anyone. I wouldn't put it passed him to visit seeing as he did go out of his way to ask for you time." I glared back but said nothing. Even if the king went out of his way. I was still not going. I need to be near the girls at all times. I know Alethea would take care of them and protect them while I was gone but here as of late I just feel a little more anxious than normal. I feel like something bad is about to happen. I looked at the time and sighed. 11:45 "I have to go. I need to get food for the house before I pick the girls up from school. Want to come along?" she took another bite of her food nearly finishing it. Wiping her hand on her napkin she turn to me. "I can't I have to go to work soon." Alethea worked as assistant for a major company. "I actually should be getting ready." She got up and put her plate in the sink. "Alright well I'm going to go shopping and then sit at home till I get the girls. I'll see you later." I have her a hug and we said our goodbyes again. I got back into my car and went to search for my purse only to find I had left it at the house. I sighed and headed back to my house to get it.

Once back home I parked my car and headed inside. I looked around for my purse to find it on the table, and as I reached for it.... ***bam!!***

My door had been completely ripped from it's hinges and thrown across the room. Pissed I turned to face the culprit to find a man. A gorgeous man but that was besides the point. This asshole just ripped my front door off!!! What the fuck?!?! I can't believe him!!!

I glared at him. He smirked. Does he think this is a motherfuckin game?! how the hell does he think he is?!?? "My name is Dimitri Baskov. I am the demon king. And I do believe I sent for someone to get you this morning and warned you not to decline. I am not a patient man Ms. De'lacruez. Had you listened the first time your door would still be on it hinges."

The demon king?! "Excuse me?!? I don't give a fuck who you are! Demon king or not! How dare you bust down my door like some damn cave man!!! Didn't you're mother teach you manners! Get the hell out of my house!" I was so beyond pissed off. His eyes glowed red. He walked towards me. His tall frame making me feel shorter than I was. Even in heels

"Ms. De'lacruez we are going to have a talk whether you like it or not. Now sit the fuck down and shut the hell up!" And with that I found myself listening to his command almost hypnotized as I went to sit down immediately and missed the chair and landed on my butt. I could feel my face go bright red as I realized I had just embarrassed myself in front of a king. He laughed but helped me  This time I turn around to make sure the seat was actually underneath me. He was staring at me when I turned back around to face him again. After a few minutes of a stare down I gave up and looked away. This man before me was so unbelievable handsome. His dark hair fell over his deep brown eyes. He wore a well tailored suit over his massive body. Not too massive but not skinny either. I stopped gawking at him. And looked back up. He was still watching me. Oblivious to the fact that I was checking him out. He smiled showing off his teeth and I could see a hint of fangs in the smile. I watched him again as his eyes traveled down my body and then back up to my face. I smiled back. "See something you like Mr. Baskov?" I asked he gave me a cocky smile.

"I won't deny you're a beautiful woman Ms. De'lacruez but I'm not here for pleasure. I'm here for business. Maybe another time...but for now I'd like to speak with you." I looked at the clock 12:30...two hours before I had to pick up the girls. I turned back to him and crossed my arms. "Fine but make it quick I have some where to be soon and I will not be late. If you're not done by then, then I leave and you can find another time to talk." I told him. He nodded in response. "Well then let's begin shall we?" I nodded and offered him a seat and he took it. I watch him as he took the seat. His muscles flexing as he sat down. "Would you like something to drink Mr. Baskov?" he looked at me as I got up to make myself something to drink. "Dimitri."

"Excuse me?"

"Call me Dimitri please Ms. De'lecruez. Or your greatness, my king, my lord. Call me anything but please don't call me Mr. Baskov you make me feel like my father." I smiled.

"Very well devil, would you like a drink?." I laughed at the nickname and he just glared at me.

"Please sit down Ms. De'lecruez."

"You may call me Aria."

He stared at me.

"I think vixen fits you better." He stated. I ignored him and sat back done. I stared at him a moment and he stared back. I really need to try harder to keep my eyes away from him. He made me nervous and I was a little afraid of him. I mean how could you not this man was made for ruling and war. And he was certainly built for the part and played it well. You would have to be really stupid not to be afraid of this man...but even still I was captivated I wasn't as scared as I should be but my nerves were still not settling. I pushed my nerves aside and focused on him.

"Well Dimitri why are you here?" He smiled again and I felt my heart stop. Such a handsome smile.

"Well Aria it's simple really. I need your help."



Sorry it took so long guys! Hope you like it.

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