I flinched "I thought you are gonna take care of her Maan daddy! She has not eaten whole day! Before last night she did not eat anything for two days! We know about her stomach problem! She doesn't feel hungry.. But we have to feed her! I thought you were taking care of her Maan daddy! "he lashed out. Dad looked at me with clenched teeth." Leave it Ram. Leave it! Please... I am not in mood today! Already I had enough!" I said." Did he scold you pretty baby? "he asked. I sighed." Did he? "he asked again. I shook my head. He breathed out. Everything was silent for a moment.

" I know you are in pretty crap mood. Look little love.. I send you some food.. (And a maid came with tray as I am seated on throne) choco chip pancackes, cheesecakes, chocolate milkshake and cookies! Let's talk while you eat love and then go to sleep. Yeah?" he asked. And I nodded happily. And every one was seeing this. I started eating with gusto. Bless my sweet tooth!

" Now do you read what I told you?" he asked. I nodded." But after the fairytale ending I don't get anything further that is important! "I whined. He chuckled." You are adorable little baby. Now I will send you another parts that you need to understand okay? "he asked. I nooded." And what about rule? "I asked." I heard your emotions love. I will not interfere. The progress is good. Here everything is alright that I updated to you. Now we will be ready to fight once you finish reading what I want you to at right time. Today just sleep and dream my love dream..." he said emphasizing dream. I didn't get it but okay... I nodded.

" How are you doing there amore? "I asked." Fine... Well I found some photos of ours... Do you want me to send you? "he asked. I nodded. And he smiled and send some of photos of us together...

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