Chapter 6: Advice for the Elimination of a Very Certain Toad

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It was Charles's fifth year at Hogwarts and he was not enjoying it.

Dumbledore refused to talk to him.

Dolores Umbridge was a toad, literally.

When Charles was in the common room to write a letter to Harry, Ron and Hermione had to question who he was writing to.

"Come on mate! Who are you writing to?"

"You shouldn't keep secrets from your friends!"

Charles had to suppress the urge to pull out his gun and shoot both of them before hanging their bodies in the Great Hall like Harry had done. Of course no one would suspect Charles for killing them as they were his 'best friends'.

Charles was going to write a letter asking Harry if they could meet up.

"My brother, Ron. Now leave me alone."

Ron was shocked. Charles never talked to him that way.

Sighing Charles turned his attention to the parchment

Dear Harry

Our new DADA teacher is a toad. Her name's Dolores Umbridge. She already put me in detention for saying Voldemort is back! Her detentions are also cruel. She uses blood quills! Those are illegal! Funny enough, she was the one who made that law, as she is a part of the ministry! I really want to kill her. So I was hoping we could meet up.


As if on cue, Hedwig swooped in and landed in front of Charles.

Charles quickly took out a treat from his pocket and gave it to his familiar.

"Send this Harry, girl."

Hedwig chirped before swooping away.

"Oi, mate!"

"What?" Charles replied to Ron in a bored voice with a slight tone of anger.

Ron flinched at the tone.

"What's wrong with you mate? You've been acting.... off... lately."

"I miss my brother." Charles lied through his teeth. 'Totally not like you're really annoying right now.'

"Oh, I'm sorry mate. What about we play a game of chess to cheer you up?"

"No thanks, Ron."

"What about....."

Charles sighed as he tuned Ron's voice out.

This was going be a long day.


It had been two days since Charles sent his letter and he was anxious for a reply.

The toad of a DADA professor gave him another detention for next week.

Charles groaned when Ron and Hermione came to sit down beside him at lunch.

Charles kept his eyes on the essay he was writing for Snape. It was his last piece of homework for the week and he was almost done. It was Thursday.

Ron proceeded to shove food into his mouth as Hermione gave Charles a worried glance.

"If you need help on your homework you could just ask you know."

Ron stopped shoving food into his mouth for a second.

"How come you help him but not me?!"

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron.

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