Introduction Nakiro Uzumaki

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Name; Nakiro Uzumaki
Parents; Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Uzumaki/Haruno
Gender; Male
Sexual orientation; Straight
Blood type; B
Birthday; 4/13 April
Academy Age; 10 -11
Pre-Shippūden; 12-13
Personality; Nakiro Uzumaki is loud, energetic and sometimes stubborn not like his father. Possessing a verbal tic," dattebasa" similar to his father and grandmother. How, Nakiro has a high opinion of himself and freely brags about his abilities, but cocky nature has him put no value in teammates or teamwork, however, at the some time he does not look down on anything else and is very loyal to his friends. He also avoids confrontation or name-calling when someone is talking behind his back, completely ignoring the situation altogether unless his friends get hurt, which show his maturity.
Clan name; Uzumaki
Kekkei Genkai; none
Fears; none
Strength; Endurance, Camaraderie and Nature Transformation
Weaknesses;Expressing himself and emotional
Hobbies; Training, Deface the Hokage rock, Playing video game
Likes; Around his friends, Assorted fruits, and Gardening with his mother when not working at the hospital
Dislikes; Rules, Cooking, Being alone, and Feeling weak
Parents; Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Uzumaki/Haruno
Siblings; Melody Uzumaki (Little sister)
Relatives; Kushina Uzumaki (Grandmother/Deceased)
Minato Uzumaki (Grandfather/Deceased)
Kizashi Haruno (Grandfather)
Mebuki Haruno (Grandmother)
Sasuke Uchiha (Uncle)
Hinata Uchiha/Hyuga (Aunt)
Suigetsu Hōzuki (Uncle)
Karin Hōzuki/Uzumaki (Aunt)
Sensei; Shino (at the academy)
Konohamaru (onwards for now)
Sasuke (later in the future)
Best Friends;Shikadai and Mitsuki
Friends; Inojin
Haru Hyūga
Metal lee
Crush / Bf / Gf; Crush on Sumire
Rival; Takeru and Manami(secretly)
Enemy; None
Food Favorites; Tamagotchi and Donburi
Least; Sweets and Vegetables
Drinks; Royal mike tea and Pocari sweat
Least; Mugicha
Favorites; Light green and Orange
Least; Red
Ninjas Information;
Brith Village; Konohagakure
Current Village; Konohagakure
Academy Graduation Age; 11
Chūnīn Promotion Age; 12
Rank; Chūnīn
Ninja Status; Village
Teammates; Mana and Mitsuki
Sensei; Konohamaru and Sasuke
Chakra nature; Water, Wind and Earth release come to naturally to him due to it being his father and mother main affinity. Later get lightning release due to Sasuke training him
Weapons; Kunaki
Notable Attacks/Techniques;
Shadow clone Jutsu
Parent and child Rasengan
Vanishing Rasengan
Lighting style: purple lighting
Harem no Jutsu
Sexy no Jutsu
Chakra scalpel
Kage bunshin no Jutsu
Chakra enhanced strength
{Credit to artist}

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