Chapter 2 - The Confrontation

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Luis racked Louie's brain as he climbed down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Okay," He muttered to himself. "So, the pink duck is Webby, the housekeeper and her granny is Ms. Beakly, Launchpad is the pilot, and -." He winced the a memory of Boyd almost using Louie as a pinata. "Stay away from Boyd..."

He was so caught up in Louie's recent memories that he collided with Webby who had come out of the kitchen. She was chewing on a peice of toast and her eyes twinkled when she saw him that the collision didn't even seem to bother her.

"Morning, Louie!" She greeted him.

"Is it?" Luis asked. "I hadn't noticed." Then winced when Webby frowned at him."S,Sorry, Webby." He said, sighing deeply. "I, I didn't sleep well last night." He told her.

"Oh, o,okay." Webby said as Luis quickly passed her to enter the kitchen.

That was close.

Too close.

Luis would have to watch what he said to others now that he was in the picture. He didn't want other's to know. Not just yet anyway.

He wasn't about to let anyone ruin his fun.

He walked into the kitchen and immidently wished he hadn't. Huey was sitting next to Uncle Donald and whispering to him while Dewey was just finishing up his plate. He grabbed the last of the pancake and stuffed it into his mouth before he jumped up from the table and headed for the door.

"See you guys later!" He shouted as he passed Louie, but stopped short as he felt something he hadn't felt in a long time when he was near his baby brother, he felt fear. He stared at Luis who narrowed his eyes at him.

Daring him to say a word.

Luis saw Dewey swallow hard as he began to back away from him. Dewey didn't dare make eye contact with Huey. Things would get nasty.

"Where are you going?" Luis asked, sweetly.

He glanced over at Della as she to got up from the table and walked over to them. She ruffled Luis's hair as she kissed Dewey on top of his head.

Luis scowled at Della behind her back.

"Dewey, Uncle Scrooge and I are going on a small welcome back adventure." Della explained, glancing at him. Luis quickly changed the scowl into a blank stare. "Wanna come?" She asked.

"Where are you going?" Luis asked, making conversation just to see if Dewey would squirm. He did, and it made Luis smile, just a bit.

"A far off frozen fortress to discuss the future of mankind." Uncle Scrooge said, before Della could answer. "Lot's of hard trederous ice and boring lectures..."

"Alright, alright!" Luis exclaimed. "I think I'll stay here then."

"Alright, las." Scrooge chuckled. "Come along, you two." He said to Della and Dewey as he dragged them by the back of their shirts. "We're going to be late."

"R,right." Dewey muttered.

But he kept staring Luis who kept smiling at him tauntingly until all three of them disappeared out the door leaving just Huey, Uncle Donald, and Ms. Beakly.

He turned around and headed for the tabel. He avoided his uncle's instese stare as he grabbed a plate of fresh pancakes from Ms. Beakly and a bottle of syrup. He sat down at the table and finally looked over at Uncle Donald.

"Something wrong, D -. I, I mean Uncle Donald." Luis stammered.

Luis almost called his uncle by his first name only. That would have gave him away. Only Luis ever called him by his first name. It wasn't that he didn't feel the need to say uncle, it was just that Luis being Luis didn't think that he was actually his uncle. Luis was just a mainfest of Louie after all. He had no real value in this life.

Except to protect Louie when he felt no one else can, and that's what he was going to do.

"You, you feeling okay?" Donald asked him, eyeing him supisiously .

"I'm fine." Luis assured him. He poured syrup on his pancakes and grabbed the butter knife by his plate and his fork before he started cutting them.

He glared over at Huey as he stabbed the pancakes, who fidgeted nervously in his seat, avoiding his eyes. "What has dear Huebert been saying?" He asked.

Huey's left eye twitched at his full name being said by his younger brother.

"That you had a nightmare last night, and said some odd things..." Uncle Donald told him.

"Oh, that?" Luis said, and laughed. "I was just messing with you, Hue." He said, his eyes blazing into his, not even touching his pancakes.

"Didn't sound like you were messing with him to me." Uncle Donald persisted.

Luis groaned silently in frustration.

Damn Huey. He'd have to take care of him after this. Or risk being exspoded, then he'd never be able to protect Louie...

"Look, I was just, just playing a prank on him, Uncle Donald, that's all. Really." Luis tried, again. "Sorry, it won't happen again." He promised.

"Let's hope not." Uncle Donald said, getting up. "I would have thought," He continued as he paused at the door and turned to look at his youngest nephew, "you of all people wouldn't do such a thing, considering what it had put this family through in the past."

He then turned and stalked out of the room leaving just Luis and Huey alone in the kitchen. Luis slowly lifted up the knife he used to cut his pancakes with and slowly turned to Huey. Huey gulped as he slowly started to get up from his seat. Luis did the same. Huey edged towards the door but Luis was to quick for him.

He rammed Huey up against the wall, pressing the knife up against his throat, while using his other hand and firmly grip it around his throat.

Huey's eyes widen with fear and that made Luis smile.

"Always were to smart for your own good." Luis said, as he moved the tip of the knife's point across his throat, teasingly.

"Y,You're him. Aren't y,you?" Huey choked out. Luis paused with the tip of the knife right in the middle of his throat. He pressed the knife against it, gently, causing Huey to squirm. "L,Luis?" He asked.

"The one and only." Luis answered.

"Why?" Huey asked.

Luis scoffed.

"If I told you, then it wouldn't make this any fun. Now, would it?" Luis replied.

"I, I won't let you hurt them." Huey told him, sounding a lot braver then he felt. Luis stared blankly at him, confused, "I, I won't let you hurt

Dewey and Uncle Donald."

That made Luis laugh.

"You think I'm after them?" Luis snickered.

Huey stared at him, his turn to be confused.

"I have a much bigger fish to fry. If you get my drift." Luis replied. "Electricution is the one method of torture I haven't done yet."

He let go of Huey then, making him drop to the floor. Luis twirled the knife between his fingers as Huey coughed up some air.

"I, I'm telling Uncle Donald!" Huey said.

Luis paused at the door, whirled around and threw the knife at Huey. Huey froze in place as the knife dug deep into the wall next to him, and so close to his face that his heart nearly stopped. He saw the look on his brother's face. It was the look of a killer.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Luis told him. "Unless you want to have a peaceful nights sleep from now on, I suggest you butt out." He threatened him.

Huey watched his brother turn and walk out of the kitchen, whistling happily as if he hadn't just tried to murder one of his brothers.

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